Sunday, December 4, 2011

In My Mailbox (#38)

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what.  Awesome! 

Prepare to be amazed...  I bought no books this week!  I was shocked!  But I did get a bunch of stuff from Bloomsbury: my blog's one tomorrow!  I'm therefore having 2 giveaways over December.  :D
Anyhoo, this is what I got...
For Review:

In Darkness by Nick Lake x2 (Goodreads | Amazon)
A Novel That Grips The Heart And The Imagination
I've started reading this and: amazing!  Love it! 
Fracture by Megan Miranda (Goodreads | Amazon)
A Lot Can Happen In Eleven Minutes
I've read and absolutely loved this book: it's amazing! 
The Invisible Assassin (The Maichea Quest, Book One) by Jim Eldridge (Goodreads | Amazon)
I can't wait to read this!  It doesn't come out 'til April, though, so my review will be posted around that time.  :)
The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman x2 (Goodreads | Amazon)
I love Neil Gaiman, and I love this book!  It's awesome! 
Limited Edition Harry Potter Cloth Bag
Keep an eye out for my two upcoming December giveaways!

From NetGalley:

If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince?Alienation (C.H.A.O.S. Novel)Chickadee Winter
A Tinfoil SkyPhilip Hall Likes Me. I Reckon Maybe.The Knife and the Butterfly
If I Have a Wicked Stepmother, Where's My Prince? by Melissa Kantor (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
Wicked stepmother? Check. Evil stepsisters? Check. Miserable life? Check.I couldn't resist!  I'm like a little kid when it comes to fairy tales...  *innocent smile*
Alienation (CHAOS, Book One) by Jon Lewis (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
The Invasion Was Only The Beginning . . . No idea what it's about; I liked the cover!  :D
Chickadee Winter by Dawn L. Watkins (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
It just looks so sweet!  A real Christmassy heartwarmer.  :)
A Tinfoil Sky by Cyndi Sand-Eveland (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
I love the look of this one.  I sounds so, so, so, so, so *takes deep break* so, so good!
Philip Hall Likes Me. I Reckon Maybe (The Philip Hall Trilogy, Book One) by Bette Green (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
This looks so sweet!  :D
 The Knife and the Butterfly by Ashley Hope Pérez (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
I love the look of this one.  It looks like it's a really powerful read, on a tough topic but it really does sound amazing.

Well, that's what I got.  I may have gone OTT on NetGalley...

What was in your mailbox this week?

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