Friday, May 1, 2009


I almost left town without noticing this one (I probably would have been better off!).

On this warm and humid Friday afternoon after I packed my backpack to head for CA tomorrow--early, I sent the kids outside to run off some energy and hopped on the computer to take one last look at some friends' blogs before I head out. I noticed this by Mrs. Boo Radley.

I was caught, er...tagged!

Okay, I grabbed the camera and obediently did what was expected of me--take a picture of myself as I read the tag notice on her blog.

Here's what I got.

As you can see, I quickly turned on the camera and didn't even turn off the auto flash or check the focus.

You can see her post on my monitor.

What I didn't realize at all was that the kids were scaling our house outside and surrounding my office window right as I was snapping this photo.

Here's a close up of the (more focused) background.

My life.

Always something going on in the background.

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