Friday, May 1, 2009

Change of plans

I was supposed to be in California by now...enjoying time with Mary Kate, Gramma, Mr. Merle, and Kizzy. The other kids were to stay here and have fun with Dad--camping and hiking.

Travel plans changed. Some things are just bigger than my travel plans, you know?

Joe was swamped with work, then was additionally asked to present at an urgent industry meeting. As I write this he is giving his presentation...something about early deterioration of prestressed concrete bridge beams. A major issue right now as it's caused a number of interstate projects to come to a screeching halt.

Not good, I'm telling you.

Crumbly is a good word to use when you're baking but not when you're building large structures, such as bridges.

So it goes...

Mary Kate continues to have some fun--without me for now.
Can you imagine?

I'll see her tomorrow.

Until then, as Daddy always closes his nightly prayers...

(Now over our Skype video calls to MK--)
Dad: "May the good Lord watch over you and keep you safe, every day and..."
Mary Kate: "Night."

Goodnight one more time before I see you again, little MK!

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