Friday, May 8, 2009

Fun While We Were Away

Even if Joe had to work 12-18 hours a day--via Blackberry--while I was away, he certainly managed to show the kids a little fun.

I guess he didn't take any pictures of the restaurant lunch meeting he had...with the kids staying happy with their umpteenth fountain drink refills.

Jimmer's remark to me after I returned:
"I don't even KNOW how many drinks we had that day. Let's see...I had a couple of root beers, 2 cups of Sprite/lemonade, and three cups of orange/Sprite."

They were on the boat in the morning as Mary Kate and I left Gramma's, and they headed to pick us up at the end of the day straight from the lake.

More root beer...

We even arrived 30 minutes early because a couple of people on the plane got sick, so the flight attendants reported it and got EMS on board at the gate before we were allowed to deplane. Lovely.

Still waiting for our incubation period to pass.

On a note of more relief...
Joe found our missing point and shoot. Whew! It had been missing for about a month, and I thought I had been the last to touch it.

Found in one of the boat bags.

Thanks, St. Anthony!

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