Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Obama Invites Voters to White House for Kool-Aid Shots After Saying Electorate Acted "Socialistically" Last November

Washington, D.C.--Saying he "calibrated his words poorly" in saying the electorate acted "socialistically" last November, President Obama invited registered voters to the White House for a dialogue over "multiple Kool-Aid shots" to help “smooth things over.”

The event followed President Obama's invitation of a Cambridge, Massachusetts, policeman to the White House for a beer after he said the officer acted "stupidly" even though Obama admitted he hadn't known all the facts when he made the comment.

Crowds gathered on the South Lawn throughout the day as people enjoyed a mind-altering combination of vodka, Jagermeister, and grape flavored Kool-Aid.

"We were all just waiting around for a while," said one voter. "Then someone asked when the dialogue was going to begin. They told us shots first, dialogue later."

President Obama eventually appeared by smashing through a fake brick wall and bellowing "Oh, yeah!"

By early evening, the lawn was scattered with staggering voters yelling "Yeth we c-c-can! Yeth we c-c-can!" and demanding government-run health care.

Associated article:

Obama Invites Voters to White House for Kool-Aid Shots After Saying Electorate Acted "Socialistically" Last November

Washington, D.C.--Saying he "calibrated his words poorly" in saying the electorate acted "socialistically" last November, President Obama invited registered voters to the White House for a dialogue over "multiple Kool-Aid shots" to help “smooth things over.”

The event followed President Obama's invitation of a Cambridge, Massachusetts, policeman to the White House for a beer after he said the officer acted "stupidly" even though Obama admitted he hadn't known all the facts when he made the comment.

Crowds gathered on the South Lawn throughout the day as people enjoyed a mind-altering combination of vodka, Jagermeister, and grape flavored Kool-Aid.

"We were all just waiting around for a while," said one voter. "Then someone asked when the dialogue was going to begin. They told us shots first, dialogue later."

President Obama eventually appeared by smashing through a fake brick wall and bellowing "Oh, yeah!"

By early evening, the lawn was scattered with staggering voters yelling "Yeth we c-c-can! Yeth we c-c-can!" and demanding government-run health care.

Associated article:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lawyers Hail Obama's Disparagement of Most Other Professions

The Trial Lawyers Association hailed President Obama's disparagement of most other professions today, saying "We applaud the President's casting suspicions on the motives of doctors, police, and firefighters, as we do every day in court."

At a July news conference, Obama said police acted "stupidly" regarding a recent incident just moments after he admitted "I don't know all the facts." He also claimed doctors make medical decisions based not on their best medical judgment, but on how much they'll be reimbursed for a given procedure. These remarks followed Obama's nomination of a Justice to the Supreme Court who denied promotions to firefighters who scored highest on an advancement test on the grounds no black firefighters scored high enough for promotion.

A trial lawyer spokesperson added, "We're looking forward to working with the administration on crafting its next harangue against nurses."

Associated articles:;;;;; associated video:

Lawyers Hail Obama's Disparagement of Most Other Professions

The Trial Lawyers Association hailed President Obama's disparagement of most other professions today, saying "We applaud the President's casting suspicions on the motives of doctors, police, and firefighters, as we do every day in court."

At a July news conference, Obama said police acted "stupidly" regarding a recent incident just moments after he admitted "I don't know all the facts." He also claimed doctors make medical decisions based not on their best medical judgment, but on how much they'll be reimbursed for a given procedure. These remarks followed Obama's nomination of a Justice to the Supreme Court who denied promotions to firefighters who scored highest on an advancement test on the grounds no black firefighters scored high enough for promotion.

A trial lawyer spokesperson added, "We're looking forward to working with the administration on crafting its next harangue against nurses."

Associated articles:;;;;; associated video:

Monday, July 27, 2009

Ministry of Silly Walks

We came across this John Cleese video clip.

Needless to say, the kids enjoyed it...

...and have come up with their own versions of silly walks.

They kept coming up with better styles.

And for our most "reserved" of our bunch...

He was really rockin' this one, so we had to give him two sets.

A good indoor activity on a really hot summer day.

Are you involved with any ministries?

Maybe you'd like to try the Ministry of Silly Walks!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

White House Points to Lower National Voter Intelligence Estimates

Washington, D.C.--In a widely touted press conference on health care legislation, President Obama stated his proposals “will keep government out of health care decisions.”

But according to the Associated Press, Obama’s “principles of reform … plainly show the government making key decisions in health care.”

When asked how he could defend the counter-factual statement he made at the press conference, President Obama pointed to his Administration’s most recent "voter intelligence estimates," which have been dramatically lowered in recent months.

Associated articles:;

White House Points to Lower National Voter Intelligence Estimates

Washington, D.C.--In a widely touted press conference on health care legislation, President Obama stated his proposals “will keep government out of health care decisions.”

But according to the Associated Press, Obama’s “principles of reform … plainly show the government making key decisions in health care.”

When asked how he could defend the counter-factual statement he made at the press conference, President Obama pointed to his Administration’s most recent "voter intelligence estimates," which have been dramatically lowered in recent months.

Associated articles:;

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Artists' Statement

The three older kids finished art camp yesterday and brought home loads of new artwork. This year's camp was a drawing class.

It's great fun to watch something really click with the kids. Kathleen really seems to enjoy perspective drawing. Actually, that was one thing each of the kids came right home and went to work on each day after camp. Kathleen even produced a perspective drawing tutorial for me so I could jog my memory on the technique.

She even filled in the cover of her art file with a perspective drawing.

Still working on vertical lines and distinguishing different planes.

Sometime during the week, she was probably forced to vary her pieces from her preferred perspective drawings.

Diffuse Color and Texture Beach Scene

Mike finishing up his cityscape perspective drawing.

A texture scene

A portrait by Miss MK.

Miss MK loves color!

Kids and teacher

All artists' statements: "Art camp was really fun!"

Democrats Cite Health Care Cost Savings of Fewer Seniors, More Abortions

Washington, D.C.--Criticized for pushing a health care reform program costing over $1 trillion, Democrats argued their plan includes cost savings by providing for fewer seniors and more abortions.

These cost savings are acheived by cutting $500 billion from Medicare -- just as baby boomers turn 65 and increase Medicare enrollment by 30% -- and by allowing federally funded abortions.

"I'm not saying we should be dancing on their graves," said one Administration official. "But I have to say those cost-savings at the front and back end do nicely frame our health care plan."

President Obama's "science czar," John Holdren, hailed the cost-control measures. Holdren is the co-author of a 1977 book entitled "Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment" that proposed "compulsory sterilization," possibly by spiking water reserves and staple foods with a sterilizing chemical, on the grounds that "To provide a high quality of life for all, there must be fewer people."

Holdren told Letterman, “Nothing irritates me more than the pitter-patter of little carbon footprints.”

Associated articles:;;;;;; associated audio (Robert Reich):

Democrats Cite Health Care Cost Savings of Fewer Seniors, More Abortions

Washington, D.C.--Criticized for pushing a health care reform program costing over $1 trillion, Democrats argued their plan includes cost savings by providing for fewer seniors and more abortions.

These cost savings are acheived by cutting $500 billion from Medicare -- just as baby boomers turn 65 and increase Medicare enrollment by 30% -- and by allowing federally funded abortions.

"I'm not saying we should be dancing on their graves," said one Administration official. "But I have to say those cost-savings at the front and back end do nicely frame our health care plan."

President Obama's "science czar," John Holdren, hailed the cost-control measures. Holdren is the co-author of a 1977 book entitled "Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment" that proposed "compulsory sterilization," possibly by spiking water reserves and staple foods with a sterilizing chemical, on the grounds that "To provide a high quality of life for all, there must be fewer people."

Holdren told Letterman, “Nothing irritates me more than the pitter-patter of little carbon footprints.”

Associated articles:;;;;;; associated audio (Robert Reich):

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama Delivers First-Ever "State of Obama" Address to the Nation Through Specially Designed One-Way Mirror

What follows are excerpts from President Obama’s first “State of Obama” address to the nation.

Good evening. With unemployment increasing even more than my economic team told you it would if Congress had not passed my massive spending program, and with claims regarding my health care reform proposal becoming more implausible by the day, I thought it best to focus not on the state of the Union, but rather, on the state of Obama.

Now, I have made history in many ways, and I continue to do so today. For the first time, I am addressing the Nation through a specially designed one-way mirror that will allow me to remain focused on my path ahead.

I have come a long way already. As the elected president of the Harvard Law Review and as a law professor, some criticized me for failing to publish a single piece of scholarship, or even release my grades. But as I wrote in two autobiographies exploring the rich history and profound significance of me, “I am Barack Obama.”

Later, as a state Senator, I voted “present” on legislation nearly 130 times. Some criticized me for that. But as all Americans have now come to know, I am a “present” to the American people.

As a U.S. Senator, some say I wasn’t associated with any important legislative initiatives. But I did introduce a bill to recognize August 4, 2061, as the 100th anniversary of my birth. Unfortunately, the bill failed to pass in a prior era of despair.

My energy plan will encourage the development of new technologies that convert my boldness into reusable energy. And my health care plan will produce a universal system for allocating that warm, comforting feeling you get when you hear my confident voice, or see me without a shirt.

The state of Obama is good.

Associated articles:;;; associated video: Washington Examiner;

Obama Delivers First-Ever "State of Obama" Address to the Nation Through Specially Designed One-Way Mirror

What follows are excerpts from President Obama’s first “State of Obama” address to the nation.

Good evening. With unemployment increasing even more than my economic team told you it would if Congress had not passed my massive spending program, and with claims regarding my health care reform proposal becoming more implausible by the day, I thought it best to focus not on the state of the Union, but rather, on the state of Obama.

Now, I have made history in many ways, and I continue to do so today. For the first time, I am addressing the Nation through a specially designed one-way mirror that will allow me to remain focused on my path ahead.

I have come a long way already. As the elected president of the Harvard Law Review and as a law professor, some criticized me for failing to publish a single piece of scholarship, or even release my grades. But as I wrote in two autobiographies exploring the rich history and profound significance of me, “I am Barack Obama.”

Later, as a state Senator, I voted “present” on legislation nearly 130 times. Some criticized me for that. But as all Americans have now come to know, I am a “present” to the American people.

As a U.S. Senator, some say I wasn’t associated with any important legislative initiatives. But I did introduce a bill to recognize August 4, 2061, as the 100th anniversary of my birth. Unfortunately, the bill failed to pass in a prior era of despair.

My energy plan will encourage the development of new technologies that convert my boldness into reusable energy. And my health care plan will produce a universal system for allocating that warm, comforting feeling you get when you hear my confident voice, or see me without a shirt.

The state of Obama is good.

Associated articles:;;; associated video: Washington Examiner;

At the Broken Spoke

The kids had a lot of fun last night at their final gig wrapping up summer fiddle camp.

One of many broken spokes.

Taking it all in after tuning.

Warming up.

At least we remembered all of the kids' violins. There was one fiddler who brought her case...but it was empty.


The Blazing Bows

The teenagers were featured in the Seven Wicked Reels, so you can't see our kids in this clip...but they're in back playing.

Reel 4

The show finished up with a few dance tunes including "Cotton Eye Joe."

Jimmer said the best part was sliding on the dance floor with friends when they were finished! (Their performance was 1-1/2 hours, so they needed to get a little energy out of their systems when it was over!)

A fun night!

President Obama Says “Hold the Mayo”

Washington, D.C.--President Obama has repeatedly held up the famous Mayo Clinic in Minnesota as a model for providing “some of the best quality and some of the lowest cost” health care.

But recently the Mayo Clinic said the health care reform legislation Obama supports “misses the opportunity to create higher-quality, more affordable health care for patients,” that “In fact, it will do the opposite,” and “The real losers will be the citizens of the United States.”

While speaking at the Children's National Medical Center, Obama was asked about the Mayo Clinic’s dire assessment of his health care reforms.

“Hold the mayo,” he said, apparently reiterating his advice that Americans should eat healthier.

Associated articles:;

President Obama Says “Hold the Mayo”

Washington, D.C.--President Obama has repeatedly held up the famous Mayo Clinic in Minnesota as a model for providing “some of the best quality and some of the lowest cost” health care.

But recently the Mayo Clinic said the health care reform legislation Obama supports “misses the opportunity to create higher-quality, more affordable health care for patients,” that “In fact, it will do the opposite,” and “The real losers will be the citizens of the United States.”

While speaking at the Children's National Medical Center, Obama was asked about the Mayo Clinic’s dire assessment of his health care reforms.

“Hold the mayo,” he said, apparently reiterating his advice that Americans should eat healthier.

Associated articles:;

Monday, July 20, 2009

Giant U.S. Money Leak Ruins Floors Throughout China

Peking, China.--Chinese diplomats lodged an official complaint with the United Nations today as a giant U.S. money leak continued to ruin floors throughout China, on the other side of the globe.

“Congress’ record $4 trillion in annual spending has been seeping into our country for weeks now,” said China’s foreign minister, “but the U.S. has done nothing about it.”

China estimates the leak pours $11 billion per day under China’s upper crust, loosening floor boards, weakening foundations, and clogging toilets.

“Every day I read in paper about more U.S. spending,” said one frustrated Chinese citizen. “And every day I tell my wife we need a bigger mop.”

Associated articles:;

Giant U.S. Money Leak Ruins Floors Throughout China

Peking, China.--Chinese diplomats lodged an official complaint with the United Nations today as a giant U.S. money leak continued to ruin floors throughout China, on the other side of the globe.

“Congress’ record $4 trillion in annual spending has been seeping into our country for weeks now,” said China’s foreign minister, “but the U.S. has done nothing about it.”

China estimates the leak pours $11 billion per day under China’s upper crust, loosening floor boards, weakening foundations, and clogging toilets.

“Every day I read in paper about more U.S. spending,” said one frustrated Chinese citizen. “And every day I tell my wife we need a bigger mop.”

Associated articles:;

Dress Rehearsal

Lots of Irish fiddle tunes this time, hence the green ensemble.

Warming up at a retirement home today...

...for their Broken Spoke gig tomorrow night.

(Jimmer sat this one out, Mary Kate and Mikey are in front, Kathleen is behind the a denim jumper.)

Friday, July 17, 2009

Obama Appoints Bizarro Economic Policy Communications Czar

Washington, D.C.--President Obama announced his appointment of Bizarro, an imperfect duplicate of Superman known for his twisted logic, as his “economic policy communications czar.”

Before making the announcement, Obama praised Bizarro’s “compelling life story” in which he overcame his creation by Lex Luthor in a flawed duplication ray to become one of Superman’s most famous enemies.

While noting he was “hampered by an inherent illogic,” Obama said “There’s no one better than Bizarro to describe my economic policies to the American people.”

After taking the podium, Bizarro described how the Administration is reducing the federal budget deficit by using the same logic it’s used to argue the massive spending bill passed by Congress “saved” millions of jobs even as the unemployment rate reaches historic highs.

“We reduce budget deficit by making OK you keep some money,” said Bizarro. “Money you keep not used by government, so government deficit go down.”

When asked whether the Administration had any new proposals to lower the deficit, Bizarro said “Biden have plan that we spend money so no go bankrupt. Print more hot soft cash!”

Associated articles:;;

Obama Appoints Bizarro Economic Policy Communications Czar

Washington, D.C.--President Obama announced his appointment of Bizarro, an imperfect duplicate of Superman known for his twisted logic, as his “economic policy communications czar.”

Before making the announcement, Obama praised Bizarro’s “compelling life story” in which he overcame his creation by Lex Luthor in a flawed duplication ray to become one of Superman’s most famous enemies.

While noting he was “hampered by an inherent illogic,” Obama said “There’s no one better than Bizarro to describe my economic policies to the American people.”

After taking the podium, Bizarro described how the Administration is reducing the federal budget deficit by using the same logic it’s used to argue the massive spending bill passed by Congress “saved” millions of jobs even as the unemployment rate reaches historic highs.

“We reduce budget deficit by making OK you keep some money,” said Bizarro. “Money you keep not used by government, so government deficit go down.”

When asked whether the Administration had any new proposals to lower the deficit, Bizarro said “Biden have plan that we spend money so no go bankrupt. Print more hot soft cash!”

Associated articles:;;

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Homebound Mass & Luncheon

One of the ministries our family is involved with is serving the homebound by providing a communion service at their residence. Once a year though, we gather all of our homebound residents and bring them to our church for a special Mass and luncheon. Today was the day!

Confession: We've somewhat selfishly gotten involved in this ministry because our kids don't have a grandparent within 1100 miles and they have no great grandparents, so they love the interaction and have learned so much from these fun folks! I love how the children are naturally comfortable interacting with them whether the people like to joke around, need assistance, want to share their wonderful stories of the past, or ask for prayers. They also understand everyone needs a hug...and boy, do they know how to deliver!

As we pulled in to the church parking lot behind one of the home's vans, our kids dashed up to the doors to greet our guests.


Jimmer was a greeter/door holder (schmoozer, ham bone, charmer, etc.).

After Mass, Jimmer was walking to the dining room holding my hand and said in his regular (louder than normal) voice, "Do you know that lady in the bright pink outfit? She's 79 years old."

All I asked was if he had asked her or if she offered the information herself. Lucky for me, it was as I had hoped. Whew!

During the luncheon, Jimmer was snatched up by the same lady who he sat next to at last year's luncheon.


I'm not sure what it is about this little guy, but he's a magnet of sorts. Even our new associate pastor (first Mass at our parish, in fact!) started in on him!



The girls sat next to a few ladies who only had grown boys for children. They asked me if they could take them home with them for a while.

This lady just looked at Mary Kate's braided pigtails and said with nostalgia, "Ohhh...I remember so well how my mother did my hair like that when I was a little girl."

Mike had a lengthy conversation with another lady who said that he was just delightful.

(Always nice for a mother to hear--especially since after she said that, she turned to me and asked where his mother was.)

The kids visited some more with them as they waited for their buses to return.

All the way around!