Monday, November 16, 2009

Al-Qaeda Reporters Provide Detailed Coverage of National Security Information Revealed in Open Court Criminal Prosecutions of 9/11 Terrorists

New York, New York--Haters of America around the world are hailing the al-Qaeda press corps' "comprehensive" coverage of the open criminal trials of the 9/11 terrorists being held in New York City.

Terrorist journalists are being praised for doing a particularly good job publicizing sensitive national security information revealed in court -- information that will help tip off other terrorists and thwart their capture.

"Our sophisticated terrorist audience demands detailed reporting on anything that could help them avoid detection," said one reporter for the Afghanistan Terror Times. "Lists of unindicted co-conspirators and the disclosure of which terrorists the government already knows about, along with details regarding the operation of anti-terrorism programs, is just some of the material information our readership craves."

"The terrorist press corps is giving the New York Times some real competition in this market," said one envious journalist.

Associated article: Wall Street Journal

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