Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I won! I won!

I'm quite thrilled to have won a delicious soy candle from Carly Jean, my cousin's lovely and pregnant daughter.

Carly, who recently closed the doors to her very cool L.A. boutique to spend more time at home with her little boy, is starting to create a line of home products. She recently had a contest and let people submit suggestions for her upcoming batch of winter candle scents. Her hubby, Chad Brannon, an Emmy award winning actor for playing the part of Zander on General Hospital and who is now doing lots of voice over work and is the Promo voice for the comedy shows on FOX, pulled my name out of the bunch!

I truly don't believe I've ever won anything before (that I can recall anyway). So, now it's documented...and is grandly appreciated!

Thanks, Carly! I loved my winning candle...and all the others in your new fall line. Can't wait to get a whiff of your newest holiday candles soon!

If you want your house to smell fabulous, check out this post for her line of candles and ordering information.

Oh, the joy of soy.

The candles last a looooooooong time, seem more fragrant, are non toxic, lead free, and support our American farmers. So, go get some and feel good about it!

Silver Lake is keeping me company and flickering away as I type...yum!

(Note to self: order more now as Christmas gifties for teachers...and some other lucky peeps.)

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