Saturday, May 14, 2011

Follow Friday (#10)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea! 

The question the week is:
"What Is The Most Emotional Scene In A Book That You Have Read Lately?"
Hmm... tricky.  I got insanely emotional during Catching Fire, but that was mainly because it was the end of a series I was completely in love with, though there were some overwhelmingly emotional scenes as well.  The same end-of-series emotional was Last Sacrifice, but that too had powerful scenes.  Delirium was really moving, as well as absolutely beautiful, and I cried during that as well.
The most emotional thing I've read in, well, probably forever, is Before I Die by Jenny Downham.  I cried bucketloads, and I can still tell you quotes of the top of my head, even though I read it months ago. 
Well, that's my answer.  Sorry this is late: blogspot was down yesterday, and I only just got round to checking my laptop.
If you've found me through FF, leave me a link so I can hop back!  If not, what's the most emotional scene you've read recently?
Have a great rest-of weekend all!

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