Friday, May 20, 2011

Follow Friday (#11)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea! 

Our Feature blog this week is...
Ninja Girl @ Ninja Girl Reads
And our question is...
"Can You Tell Us Five Quirky Habits Or Things About You?"
Quirky...  Um, ok, here I go:
  1. I like to read four or five books at once: two on the kindle (one often a classic), a newly-released book, and an older book that's been on the shelf for a while.  I sometimes add books I'm rereading, like the Harry Potter I'm reading at the moment.
  2. I have an unusual habit of talking too much, about random things.  I talked for like half an hour about angel/devil mythology, before going right into talking about a CSI show.  I also ask too many questions.  Hence, lots of 'you're mad' looks.  ;)
  3. I believe in the whole world of paranormal.  Yes, that earns mad looks too, but I do.  I think the world's too big for there not to be something out there, unseen...
  4. I put notes or blank bits of paper into the chapters of my books.  It started as a way of reminding myself of something.  Now, it's just my Quirk that I can't seem to stop...
  5. I'm very protective of my books.  I make sure they have nice homes, that they aren't hurt (bent) and that they're safe from the elements.  And if someone says something mean about a book I'm reading, I stroke it so that its feelings aren't hurt.  Yep, I am mad.  But all the best people are a little bonkers.  (:
Well, there are a few of my many quirks.  My aunt often jokes that I'm 'special in the head'.  I'm not sure if I should be offended or what by that comparision...

If you've found my through FF, drop me a link so I can follow back.  If not, why not tell us a few of your quirks.

Have a good weekend, all!

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