Friday, May 6, 2011

Follow Friday (#9)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea! 

And the Feature blog this week is...

Magnet4Books' Reviews

And the question is...

"What Character In A Book Would You Most Like To Be, What Character Would You Most Like To Date?"

Ooh, good question!  Umm... I think I'd be Rose from Vampire Academy, cause she's so strong, brave and kick-butt.  Failing that, I'd be Katniss from The Hunger Games.  Being her would be hard, horrible and - definately - scarring, but... she's so amazing.  I'd love to be as strong as her.  Or, maybe even Alice from Twilight.  She's just so wonderfully weird!  Ooh, or Hermione Granger or Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter.  Hermione's brilliantly smart and Luna's brilliantly bonkers!
Now, as for dating.  There are too many fictional guys!  I'm going for: Dimitri from Vampire Academy, Jace from The Mortal Instruments, Peeta from The Hunger Games, or Nicholas from The Drake Chronicles

I know, I know: too many!  But boys in books are just better. ;)

So, that's my answer.  Most likely it's cheating, but, hey!  What can I do? (:

If you've found me through FF, drop me a link so I can follow you back!

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great weekend!

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