Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Waiting On Wednesday (#15)

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, and it's a weekly meme all about the books that are coming out soon that we really can't wait to read.

Well, this is my Waiting List!
Between Here and ForeverBetween Here and Forever
By: Elizabeth Scott
Published: 24th May 2011
Published By: Simon Pulse
Found: On Amazon

Synopsis From Goodreads:
Abby accepted that she can’t measure up to her beautiful, magnetic sister Tess a long time ago, and knows exactly what she is: Second best. Invisible.
Until the accident.
Now Tess is in a coma, and Abby’s life is on hold. It may have been hard living with Tess, but it's nothing compared to living without her.
She's got a plan to bring Tess back though, involving the gorgeous and mysterious Eli, but then Abby learns something about Tess, something that was always there, but that she’d never seen.
Abby is about to find out that truth isn't always what you think it is, and that life holds more than she ever thought it could...
I think this looks amazing, and I really want to know what the 'something' is!

The Unwritten RuleThe Unwritten Rule
By: Elizabeth Scott
Published: 24th May 2011
Published By: Simon Pulse
Found: On Sammee (I Want To Read That)'s Blog

Synopsis From Goodreads:
Sarah and Brianna have always been friends, and it's always gone like this: guys talk to Sarah in order to get closer to Brianna. So even though Sarah met Ryan first, she's not surprised that he ends up with Brianna (even though Sarah has a massive crush on him). The three of them hang out, and Sarah and Ryan's friendship grows until one night an innocent exchange between them leads to a moment that makes Sarah realize that Ryan might be interested in her after all. But if there's one unwritten rule, it's this: you don't mess around with a friend's boyfriend. So Sarah tries to resist temptation. But with the three of them thrown together more and more, tension builds between Sarah and Ryan, and when they find themselves alone together at one point, they realize they just can't fight how they feel anymore....
Admittedly, this is a reprint: it's just come out in paperback.  But it looks so good!  I really, really have to try some Elizabeth Scott: they sound like my kind of books!

We Hear the DeadWe Hear the Dead
By: Dianne Salerni
Published: 27th May 2011
Published By: Sourcebooks
Found: On Amazon

Synopsis From Goodreads:
It started out as a harmless prank. But soon enough, spiritualism was the fastest growing movement of the nineteenth century, and Maggie Fox was trapped in a life of deceit.
Meticulously researched by the author, We Hear the Dead reveals the secret of how the Fox sisters faked their rapping sounds and their motives for inventing the séance and founding spiritualism.
I began the deception when I was too young to know right from wrong. No one suspected us of any trick, because we were such young children. We were led on by my sister purposely and by my mother unintentionally. Only with the passing of time did I come to understand the consequences of my actions. As Doctor wrote to me: "Weary, weary is the life by cold deceit oppressed."
My sister has used the word "deception." I object to her use of that word, for I do not believe that I have ever intentionally deceived anyone. Maggie has a different understanding of all the events that have happened since that night in Hydesville forty years ago. To her the spirits were always a game. For my sister Leah, they were a means to an end. For my mother, a miracle. And for me, they were my life's calling. I have no regrets.
I love the sound of this, and the differences between the two sisters intrigues me...  I really want to read this!

Starcrossed (Starcrossed, #1)Starcrossed
Series: Starcrossed, Book One
By: Josephine Angelini
Published: 31st May 2011
Published By: Harper Teen
Found: On Sammee (I Want To Read That)'s Blog

Synopsis From Goodreads:
How do you defy destiny?
Helen Hamilton has spent her entire sixteen years trying to hide how different she is—no easy task on an island as small and sheltered as Nantucket. And it's getting harder. Nightmares of a desperate desert journey have Helen waking parched, only to find her sheets damaged by dirt and dust. At school she's haunted by hallucinations of three women weeping tears of blood . . . and when Helen first crosses paths with Lucas Delos, she has no way of knowing they're destined to play the leading roles in a tragedy the Fates insist on repeating throughout history.
As Helen unlocks the secrets of her ancestry, she realizes that some myths are more than just legend. But even demigod powers might not be enough to defy the forces that are both drawing her and Lucas together—and trying to tear them apart.
I've seen some great reviews of this, and I've wanted to read it for a while now.  I just love Greek mythology!  And I'm sure I'll love this!

Slice: Juicy Moments From My Impossible Life Slice
By: Steven Herrick
Published: June 2011
Published By: Random House
Found: On Amazon

Synopsis From Goodreads:
A funny, refreshing look at the most awkward time in any young boy's life, from school, girls, and parties to parents, friends, and the dreaded "sex talk"
Darcy Walker is a normal 16-year-old boy, but he can handle that. He can even cope with parents, deal with parties, and soldier through the occasional fight. He's certainly got his infatuation with the beautiful Audrey under control, is clearly the best at spending quality chess-time with his nerdy best friend, Noah, and doesn't blink an eye at the misadventures that can occur when kayaking on a school excursion. He's a teenage boy, he can handle anything. That is, if only he'd learn to keep his mouth closed first.
The thing I noticed first about this book was the cover.  The watermelon slice looks like it's smiling!  :)  And when I read the blurb, I realised it looked good too.  So, voila!  It is now on my Waiting list.

So, that's my Waiting list.

What are you waiting for this week?
Happy Reading

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