Saturday, November 26, 2011


Jacqueline Fernandez has become an advanced scuba diver

It's a well know fact that Jacqueline Fernandez has deep love for traveling, but what many may not know is that this Sri Lankan beauty enjoys the thrills in adventure sports. Talking about it Jackie says, "Whenever I'm on a holiday, I see to it that I indulge in adventure sports, since it is something that I really enjoy doing."
Jacqueline loves to try her hand at various adventure sports and has now become an advanced scuba diver. "I am an advanced scuba diver, I learnt Scuba Diving from Thailand Koh Samui and Advanced Scuba Diving from Spain, Marbella. I plan on taking up night diving and diving with sharks in Maldives, on my next dive trip for which I'm highly excited. Apart from water, sky diving and Bungee jumping is something I would love to try my hands on", she says.
Besides scuba diving, which is her hobby, and indulgence in adventure sports, road trips are something that this stunning beauty thoroughly enjoys. She believes it gives you your personal space to explore as well as a lot of time to think. Well, all we can say is that, sky is definitely not the limit for Jacqueline.

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