Monday, November 28, 2011

Weekly Round-Up (#6&7)

Have you ever wanted to gather up all the posts you've done over the past week and make everything easier to find?  Well, I did a few weeks ago, and therefore I started my Weekly Round-Ups.  And now my little Weekly Round-Up meme is now 'official'.  That means everyone who wants to round-up their week can leave a link in the linky, and other people can follow the link and see everything you've been up to over the past week.

I missed my last Weekly Round-Up because I was setting up my Mr Linky, but now here is what I've been up to over the past couple of weeks...

Book Reviews: 
Just In Case by Meg Rosoff



Upcoming Review:
Matched (Book One) by Ally Condie

Anyone who does want a Weekly Round-Up, or has a similar meme/feature already, drop a link!  I will go and follow anyone who takes part, and I think everyone who visits my blog should too!
To take part in this meme you do have to be a book blogger (sorry non-book-bloggers, but this is a book-only blog), and you have to have fun looking at everyone's blogs and posts!
Now, if any of you want to take part in my Weekly Round-Up, link it up to my Mr Linky! 

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