Saturday, November 26, 2011

Weekly Round-Up

Have you ever wanted to gather up all the posts you've done over the past week and make everything easier to find?  Well, I did a few weeks ago, and therefore I started my Weekly Round-Ups.  And now my little Weekly Round-Up meme is now 'official'.  That means everyone who wants to round-up their week can leave a link in the linky, and other people can follow the link and see everything you've been up to over the past week.

Anyone who does want a Weekly Round-Up, or has a similar meme/feature already, keep an eye out on Monday, when my First Official Weekly Round-Up Meme will be put up, and drop a link!  I will go and follow anyone who takes part, and I think everyone who visits my blog should too!

If this meme takes off, I may introduce Special Features: someone coming and posting one of their posts in my Weekly Round-Up, or maybe Theme Weeks.  Well, whether or not all of this happens is up to you guys, and whether you want to take part...

To take part in this meme you have to be a book blogger (sorry non-book-bloggers, but this is a book-only blog), and you have to have fun looking at everyone's blogs and posts! 

If anyone has an questions, or would like to discuss Special Features or other ideas, please email me at

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