Monday, June 16, 2008

Bilbo Frogger

Okay, I'm continually amazed by this little critter in our tank. In a matter of 24 hours, he has made some dramatic changes...once again! The last picture of him was right after his arms came out. The next morning, instead of a tadpole with arms and legs, he completely looked like a frog with a little tail. He was perched up on a rock breathing AIR now. Somehow, his tail lost its "fin" look and just looks like a small tail. Here he is in all his new frogger glory.
Compare it to a picture taken less than 24 hours prior to the one above when he was still swimming and staying underwater.

This morning, his tail looks really tiny. Until just a minute ago, I hadn't been able to get a good picture of our shy frogger because whenever he sees movement in the room he flails around the tank until he wedges himself under one of the rocks. First is a picture of him from yesterday afternoon. See the long tail?The next picture is from just a minute ago (8am-ish). Check out the much shorter tail!

Nature is great!

I'm a bit worried about our little frogger. It seems like he's not eating anything. I've changed his food a bit and have added some blood worms (yuck!). I hope he's getting what he needs because I think he's too little for even the smallest crickets.

Okay, gotta get ready for this week's Little Flowers camp we're putting on for 20+ girls. But first, we've gotta do another English lesson. Nope, we still haven't quite finished school yet...even though we're pretty close. (Sigh!)

We're not going to have much break from school this summer. We need to get going on our next year since we've just started planning on a big fun trip this fall and will miss school during that time. After visiting my dad in Washington State, we're going somewhere we've never been...and Grammy and Grampy may be joining us!

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