Friday, June 27, 2008

Our Little Bible Trivia Star!

While I was picking up the kids from their last day of Vacation Bible School (VBS), Jimmer's group leader said she noticed that Kathleen (who was in a different group) was able to answer all of the bible trivia questions one day during the large group (200+ kids) session at camp...even the really tough ones.

I had heard from a couple of different people that Kathleen ended up answering a number of questions that nobody else could. Apparently, they asked how she new so much about the bible, and she just answered, "My dad reads a lot to us."

Jimmer's leader asked what bible books we read, and I said that (besides our Kid's Bible Challenge game) I was certain most of their trivia knowledge came from reading the 100+ Arch Books we have. Arch Books are short books ($1.99 each) that tell each bible story IN VERSE! My mom got the kids the whole set a few Christmases ago, and Joe has not stopped reading them to the kids. I've lost count of how many of these books we've given to other children. I just thought I'd post a link (click here) for these books for anyone else who'd like to check them out.

Joe's family grew up reading the vintage version, but they've now been redone and are still wonderful reads. Some of Kathleen's favorites are: The Seeds That Grew and Grew, Jailhouse Rock, and The Shepherd's Christmas.

With all these books, you can basically read through the bible in chronological order, or by the particular categories (Easter, Christmas, Miracles, Old Testament, New Testament, etc.). Good stuff!

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