Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Little Flowers Camp--Day 2

The girls had another fun-filled afternoon with the Little Flowers at camp. They got to make Rosary bracelets--all 5 decades! Mary Kate made a pink one, and Kathleen made 2--a pink and black. She kept the black and donated the pink one to our parish festival store.
They also got in the kitchen again. Kathleen cooked a meal (pasta bake and garlic bread)...for our family this time.
Mary Kate baked some more goodies for our Final Lunch (not to be confused with the Last Supper!) after Mass this Friday. She also got to make and bring home another dessert, cookie bars, for us to enjoy!
The whole group of 20 Little Flowers campers...

Our host, Melissa, of our camp this year has been extremely generous with her home and everything in it. She has workers remodeling her upstairs bathrooms while she has allowed 20 girls and their mothers the run of the rest of the house (minus the back staircase functioning as the construction entrance) and has never batted an eye--even when a slight lemonade spill occurred on her back patio! What a mom. What a woman!

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