Thursday, June 12, 2008

We were just going to talk with her...

The kids love the violin. They've been talking about wanting to play for quite some time (even before we saw this Kansas youth string orchestra--5th through 12th grade--in Estes Park a couple of weeks ago), so I set up a meeting with the Suzuki violin teacher just 5 houses away from us. Joe stopped home yesterday as we were all heading down to our meeting with her, and I said, "We're just going to talk with her today. I think her schedule is full, so we'll probably have to wait to start and slowly get them into lessons one at a time." So on we went.

After meeting with the teacher, feeding her bird Cheez-Its, and playing with her two kittens, all four of the kids were fitted with violins, and we returned home with one 1/16-sized, one 1/8-sized, one 1/4-sized violins, and two bows. I didn't even have a check book with me, but she had us take them so we could get them "checked over" by a shop before all of the children start lessons next Tuesday!

All the kids spent time "fiddling" with the violins yesterday. The first thing Jimmer said when he woke up this morning was not the expected, "Mom, can we go to the pool this morning?", but, "Mom, can I play my violin?"

Here he is...

Here's Mary Kate (who also had just rolled out of bed) playing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star she sounded out.

Needless to say, next Tuesday can't come soon enough for them.

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