Monday, June 2, 2008

The first stop on our "detour"

Once we left Lubbock after seeing the Albuquerque Crew, the kids noticed something a little peculiar as they were following their maps. We were on the wrong road...and going north instead of south! What?

[On the way to Lubbock (because before that time, Joe and I were just plain too busy to think further ahead), Joe asked what we had going on when we got back from our quick Memorial Day weekend get away. Since we didn't have anything major planned, we figured there wasn't any reason to come home. So, we decided to go somewhere we LOVE. Somewhere...more refreshing than the 102 degree day we were having as we were driving that day! Did it matter that I only had shorts, t-shirts and flip flops? Nope! The kids had their tennis shoes, one sweatshirt each, and a couple of them even had pants. So we had to do a little shopping...]

From Lubbock we continued northwest for another 8 hours or so! (Lubbock was a mere 6 hours--371 miles--from our home.) For about an hour after we left Lubbock, the kids guessed off and on where we were headed until they figured it out. They didn't want us to tell them!

First, we stopped at Garden of the Gods (in Colorado Springs).

Then we pushed on the next day until we reached our final destination...more on that in the next post!

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