Friday, October 31, 2008

All Hallow's Eve

Mary Kate has been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to wear her brand new, especially-for-Halloween, glow-in-the-dark, witch nails.
Oh yes, I was ahead of the game tonight as I had the kids get dressed up before dinner.

Hmmm...I hadn't really considered that Mary Kate has never eaten with long, glow-in-the-dark nails before.

Her victim, a mummy dog.

Getting some practice using her fork. (Guess who had to escort her to the bathroom before we went trick-or-treating.)

Let the trick-or-treating begin...

Con tres caballeros,

and more good friends.
It's great to be in a neighborhood full of little children...

...and real super heroes, like our National Guard helicopter pilot neighbor (above).

Ah, the kids are safely home...getting hyped up on their plentiful, sugary loot.


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