Saturday, October 4, 2008

Happy we head home

We were pretty sad that our trip was ending. We enjoyed Canada's fall colors that we will not see for a long time in Texas.
We'll miss waking up to this scene in our campgrounds. And the smells--the cool crisp air with the burning wood. The best!
We'll miss all the trees (pine, birch and aspens) that we don't have back home. And the sounds of the wind blowing through the tops of the pine trees will not be forgotten!
We didn't think it could happen, but we really were able to fit all of our luggage and people in the minivan after we returned the RV! There were 8 duffle bags, 7 back packs, 3 large boxes, and miscellaneous "stuff" that we packed in just about every nook and cranny.
The van was ridin' pretty low with everyone and everything in it!
Back on the plane...
...back to reality!Ah, home!

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