Saturday, October 4, 2008

Glacier National Park (Montana)

Since our RV was too long, we rented a minivan to go up Going to the Sun Highway to Clements Mountain through Logan Pass.

We took a 3-mile hike through slush and snow to see Hidden Lake. Since we normally don't see much snow here in Texas, our kids had to spend a little time messing around. Then Joe mentioned, "Hey, kids! We haven't played in the snow since...JUNE!" That was during our trip to Colorado. For Texans, our kids have played in a lot of snow!

Then it started. Kathleen may now regret that she sent this first snowball Jimmer's way...
...because it came right back to her
and again...
...until she had to do something to stop it.
Tackling him took care of it--for a few minutes anyway!
Hidden Lake
Here's a "Where's Bighorn?" picture. (Click on the photo to enlarge.)Can you find the bighorn sheep somewhere in this picture?

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