Thursday, October 30, 2008

Julie Alexander Update

We just got a call from Greg late last night saying that they are seeing good signs of improvement for Julie after her heart attack but are remaining cautiously optimistic. Further tests showed that new capillary growth is trying to repair the area of artery that was dissected.

If you'd like to stay updated on Julie's status, you can go to the CaringBridge site, and in the "Enter website name" box, enter 'juliealexander' (no spaces).

We may be having their little children stay with us sometime after Julie is discharged from the hospital. Her doctor said that she'll have to be in bed resting much of the time. As you can imagine, having the four little ones--all 7 and under--running around the home is not the restful environment she'll need!

Already, both Greg and Julie have witnessed silver linings to this traumatic event. I'm certain there will be more!

Please keep praying for Julie, Greg and their family.

"Because the marriage bond is a sacrament, it is a source of grace and strength."
--a quote from today's Covenant of Love message from Greg and Julie's ministry, the Alexander House.

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