Monday, October 27, 2008

Silhouette ideas

Between some school work with the kids today, I've been fiddling around...and not with the violin. Since I have a bit of "digital SLR envy" (I don't have one, nor do I know how to use one), I figured I'd try to make the most of my point and shoot and come up with something fun.

I took this picture of the kids last weekend.
Since I'm fairly technically inept, I printed the picture, manually traced around it on a sheet of paper taped to a window, filled it in with black, took a picture of it with my point and shoot (our scanner isn't hooked up), and cleaned it up digitally with Paint.NET (I don't have Photoshop). I couldn't tell you exactly what I did or how I did it, but I ended up with this.I think I used: effects>stylize>outline, filled it in with black, and made it cleaner and brighter with adjustments>brightness/contrast.

Then I hopped onto and uploaded the design so I could envision some finished projects...that only a parent (or maybe even a grandparent) could love.

Truthfully, I'm not sure what I'm going to do with this silhouette image. Anyone have any ideas?

Maybe I should look into getting an SLR afterall!

Okay, back to our school work.
Kids? Kids? Anyone?

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