Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Former Community Organizer Condemns Community Organizing

Washington, D.C.--Following a series of Congressional town hall meetings in which constituents spontaneously, but boisterously, presented their views on Democratic initiatives, President Obama addressed the nation to warn it of the dangers of community organizing.

“I used to be a community organizer," said Obama. "I was even hailed as a fellow organizer by a leader of the group ACORN, a community activism organization that has been the subject of over a dozen criminal investigations nationwide and calls for a Congressional investigation by the Democratic Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee John Conyers. So I think I can speak to the dangers of that sort of activity with some authority.”

Obama said he has seen for himself the sorts of "ugliness and division" that can result from community organizing. “Just look at my own election,” he added.

Obama admitted that he told his supporters during the presidential campaign to find independents and Republicans and “argue with them and get in their face.” But now that he’s been elected, Obama said “I want to tell all Americans the same thing I told bloggers on a conference call last month: the time for talk is through.”

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