Friday, August 14, 2009

Obama Justice Department Joins with New Black Panther Party to Announce Election Integrity Campaign

Philadelphia, PA--Political officials at President Obama's Justice Department approved reducing sanctions and dropping charges against members of the New Black Panther Party who hurled racial threats at potential voters at a polling station on election day, even after they were caught on videotape threatening voters with a nightstick and the government had already won a default judgment against them.

Today, Attorney General Eric Holder joined members of the New Black Panther Party to announce a partnership with the organization to promote a new election integrity campaign.

Administration officials said the communications campaign will be modeled on previously used slogans, but with slight modifications to give them more "punch."

So, for example, "Vote or Die!" is now simply "Die!" and "Rock the Vote" has become "Knock the Vote."

When he first took over as the nation's top law enforcement officer, Holder gave a speech in which he said America was "a nation of cowards" when it comes to discussing race. Holder said he considers this partnership with the New Black Panther Party to mark progress in that regard. "If Americans can't handle a nightstick and some racial insults," said Holder, "what hope do we have to advance a hard-hitting racial dialogue?"

The Panthers’ duties will include monitoring elections to help spot "patterns of irregularities," including votes for white and Latino candidates.

Holder added, "I'm confident the New Black Panther Party will pursue this campaign with the same drive and energy it brings to its programs promoting racial superiority."

Associated articles: Washington Post; Fox;;; Washington Times 1; Weekly Standard 1

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