Saturday, August 1, 2009

Surreal Film of Beer Summit Captures Footage of Bigfoot, UFO, But No Teaching Moment

The White House released surreal footage of an awkward “beer summit” photo-op in which President Obama and Vice President Biden had a beer with a Harvard professor and a Cambridge, Massachusetts, police officer. The event was an attempt to somehow provide what Obama called “a teaching moment” after he made a clumsy comment about the police officer’s acting “stupidly” when Obama admitted he didn’t know the facts surrounding the officer’s conduct.

The event’s fake feel was reinforced by the appearance of bigfoot and a U.F.O. as shown in the video below.

Mary Frances Berry, a former chairwoman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, said “The President has been forced to apologize and drink beer in an almost comical photo-op.” Another commenter added “From the looks of the released footage, Leonard Nemoy should have provided the narration.”

Associated article:

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