Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Nine! in '09

She went against our wishes and did it anyway.

Mary Kate went ahead and turned nine yesterday. Hard for us to believe!

Her cake request for this year was:
"A volcano cake with tropical flowers."

An early AM trip to the pool.
Sweet potato waffles with strawberries and whipped cream for breakfast.

The beautiful newspaper drapery behind her is hiding her cake.

Friends over for cake and ice cream.

The kids ate the "lava" while we were serving up the cake.

Eating lava

The fam

(I can't wait for it to cool off so we can wear our hair down again...)

Ah, a lengthy childhood birthday...
started off with the neighborhood gathering last weekend,
celebrated her "real" birthday yesterday,
and tomorrow Joe is off work, so we'll all go do something fun.

Everyone should have Polish (extended) birthdays...
oh yes, and a Calvin shot to end the day on a good note!

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