Sunday, September 27, 2009

Adventures in the Great SW -- Day 2

South Rim of the Grand Canyon

The canyon almost looks like a fake backdrop.

The bold squirrel that joined our family photo. Can you tell it's the most dangerous animal in the park? (Most injuries are bites from cute, seemingly friendly squirrels.)

A cute beggar

On our hike in the canyon

Our oldest little monkey using his pinoculars (as Grampy kept calling them).

The whole crew

The kids seemed chivalrous enough giving up their seats on the park shuttle bus a number of times. It was a facade. They really just looked forward to a full bus so they could stand, sway, and bounce around. Unrestrained. Free Willy!

We WERE at a park, so they made their own amusement.

And one bus driver, in particular, gave them a very good ride!

A Hitchcock moment

I hadn't realized how very large ravens are. Two feet tall, four+ foot wing span...and their walk is akin to the proverbial pregnancy waddle.

Jimmer says their color is purplish, bluish, black. Right on!

A couple of them liked our camping neighbor's potato salad and mozzarella cheese.

National parks --

-- world's largest jungle gyms!

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