Thursday, September 3, 2009

Eyebrows Raised as "Green Jobs" Czar Orders Millions of Red Worker Uniforms

Washington, D.C.—Van Jones, President Obama’s “green jobs” czar, raised eyebrows yesterday when he placed an order for millions of red worker uniforms.

Jones -- who until recently was a self-described communist who founded the group STORM, a Marxist-Leninist organization that revered communist leader Mao Tse-Tung, who killed tens of millions of his own people -- said in an interview that the “green movement” was intended to lead to “complete revolution.”

When asked why the uniforms ordered were red, not green, a spokesman in Jones’ office said “Red is the new green.”

Jones later said he had not "carefully reviewed" the order form for the millions of red worker uniforms before he signed it, just as he said he didn't carefully review a "truther" petition he signed in 2004 that accused the Bush Administration of conspiring with the 9/11 terrorists.

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