Monday, September 28, 2009

Navy Seals Sneak General in Charge of War in Afghanistan into White House for Meeting with President

Washington, D.C.--After it was revealed that President Obama has only spoken once in his first eight months in office with the overall commander of the war on terror in Afghanistan, a special forces unit successfully secreted General Stanley McChrystal into the White House for a meeting with the Commander in Chief.

A military spokesman said navy seals tried unsuccessfully for months to get Gen. McChrystal onto the President's schedule, through operations with codes names like "Facebook" and "LinkedIn."

They only succeeded after keeping hidden in the north White House fountain, waiting for the president's secretary to go home for the night and, under cover of darkness, slotting the general in the president's Outlook calendar for five minutes Wednesday morning.

"And we did it all without waking Bo," said the spokesman.

Associated article:

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