Wednesday, September 9, 2009

So You Think You Can Dance Judges Pan Obama Performance

Washington, D.C.--After White House press secretary Robert Gibbs complained the Fox television network would be airing its hit show "So You Think You Can Dance" instead of President Obama's twenty-ninth address on health care reform, the network agreed to have dance show judges Nigel Lythgoe and Mary Murphy critique Obama's performance.

A spokesperson for Fox said the network was planning on broadcasting Obama's address on its sister news channel to "give viewers a choice in programming," but the White House insisted such a plan would conflict with the theme of the President's health care speech, which is based on government mandates. Fox eventually relented and agreed to the dance judge compromise, with one Fox executive explaining "Obama's address to Congress was essentially a dance routine anyway."

At the conclusion of Obama's address, Nigel Lythgoe said he found it "awkward and clunky," adding that Obama's "gestures toward tort reform seemed flimsy and insincere."

Mary Murphy found the effort similarly uninspired. She ended her critique by asking "What was up with that public option two-step?"

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