Saturday, December 18, 2010

Blood Feud by Alyxandra Harvey

Series: The Drake Chronicles, Book Two
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Format: Paperback
Published: 2010
Number of Pages: 272
Book: For Review From Bloomsbury
Genres: Dark Romance, Action, Fantasy, YA

“Conversation halted abruptly.  They all turned to stare at us as if we were poisonous mushrooms suddenly growing in a manicured garden.  They were pale and perfect, with gleaming teeth and hard eyes.”
It’s been centuries since Isabeau St. Croix survived the French Revolution.  Now she’s made her way back to the living, and must face the ultimate test by confronting the evil British lord who turned her into a vampire and left her buried for two hundred years.  That’s if she can control her affection for Logan Drake, a vampire whose bite is as sweet as the revenge she seeks.

This book really did not let the Drake Chronicles down.  Told from Logan Drake and Isabeau St. Croix’s points of views, Blood Feud was fast paced and funny from the word go.
Isabeau is a Hound: a vampire who has been left to go through the blood change without any help from outsiders, and because of this develop twin sets of fangs and an unusual way of living.  From the beginning, she makes it quite clear the reason she got through being underground for two centuries was her overwhelming desire for revenge on the monster who kept her there.  She is the reason this book is a huge success, in my opinion anyway.  She’s just so likeable, with her wild personality, huge dog and magical aura, and I just loved the way the story kept showing flashbacks of her life as a human during the French Revolution.  I was a little worried that these would ruin the pace of the story, but they most certainly did not: they provided a greater insight into Isabeau’s character, and made it even more impressive that she turned out as she did. 
Logan was also brilliant, with his over-the-top fashion sense, mad protectiveness of his baby sister and old-school view of the world.  I absolutely loved his sense of humour, and the insane way he dressed.  His charm and the fact he knew all too well that he was gorgeous only made him an even more likeable character.  He even (somehow) manages to pull off pirate shirts, frock coats and love at first sight.  And to top it all off, he’s such a sweetie under all his confidence!  Perfect.
Writing from each of the pair was a stroke of genius on Alyxandra Harvey’s part, and in my opinion worked better than the previous one.  And the fact my two favourite characters in this story (Lucy and Nicholas) were in it still was the icing on the cake!  I thought to begin with it might have been a mistake not to continue from their points of view, but this was even more exciting and electrifying than the previous book.  A must read: funny, full of action, romance and adrenaline, you will regret it if you don’t pick this series up!  In fact, I think I’ll just go get the next book...  Please keep them coming, Alyxandra!

Star Rating:
5 Out of 5

Read This Book If You Liked:
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Never Bite a Boy on the First Date by Tamara Summers
Happy Reading
*This book was recieved from Bloomsbury in exchange for an honest review

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