Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Crochet Nativity

Out of our several nativity sets, this one is the most unique.

My Grandma H. crocheted the set.

I find it very charming, and our kids absolutely **love** it!

Among all of our Christmas decorations, it's the first thing the girls look for and want to set up in the living room.

Proud Mary

Well, she probably wasn't feeling "proud" since she was so saintly and all. Just doing the job she was called to do, right? She sure looks like she feels great though...and very happy!

Joseph also looks quite thrilled after such a challenging journey (and not just the donkey ride into town).

The good king bringing gold from afar.

All the talk amongst these blond, brunette, and red-headed angels must be about how busy they know they're all gonna be watching over this little Savior's family.

A couple of reasons I find this particular hand-crafted set charming.

Would you just look at that Shepherd's wooly vest? Sweet.

And this. THIS.

The lady is spinning wool. Now, that is making it real with nativity scene detail! No need to stop what you're doing--just come as you are to see our newborn King!

With the mess all those large manger animals surely made, I'm glad Grandma H. wasn't tempted to make it even more real.

This nativity is one more hand-made heirloom I feel privileged to enjoy year after year.

Thanks, Grandma!

I'm adding this to the Nativity Parade.
Go have a looksie at some other Nativity sets.


I've also linked this post to A Meaningful Family Christmas link party where you can check out other families' wonderful ideas.

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