Monday, December 27, 2010

A Flurry of Fun

Jimmer's offerings to Santa --

A sweet representation of a youngster's hope on Christmas Eve.

A visiting guinea pig:

A sweet representation of a youngster's responsibility on Christmas Eve!

Legos Technic sets -- Mike's dream vehicular set, complete with gears, suspension systems, and even rack-and-pinion steering.

After building the set models, Mikey is now creating his own custom vehicles with additional Lego parts cannibalized from other sets.

A sweet representation of a youngster's creativity on Christmas day!

Dear Legos, Inc.

My 11-year-old son is available to test all your Technic sets. He is additionally able to provide his consulting services and invention ideas to create and enhance future dynamic vehicular sets. He will provide 3D drawings from multiple angles and build all necessary prototypes for each of his inventions/creations.

If you hire him, he'll love you forever...and probably make you a lot of ca$h.

His mom

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