Friday, December 10, 2010

My Love Lies Bleeding by Alyxanra Harvey

Series: The Drake Chronicles, Book One
Publisher: Bloomsbury*
Format: Paperback
Published: 2010
Number of Pages: 256
Book: For Review From Bloomsbury
Genre: Dark Romance, Action, Fantasy, YA
Recommended Age: YA, 12+
Contains: Violence, Mild Swearing, Kissing Scenes, But No Sexual References

‘“They’re close,” she murmured.  “Watching.”
‘“Run?”  I suggested.  “Like right now?”
‘She shook her head.  “If we act like prey, they’ll act like predators.”’
Solange has always known she is a vampire.  And as the only female vampire ever born, not initiated, she is surrounded by danger on all sides – from other vampire tribes who want to take her blood into their linage, and from the bounty hunters who are set on destroying her and her family.
When she is kidnapped, it’s up to her elder brother, Nicholas, and best friend, Lucy, to save her.  But can Lucy save herself from Nicholas, who tempts her with every look – what will be her own fate if she surrenders her heart to a vampire?

The main story is the chaos caused by the changing of Solange Drake into a vampire, and all the action and fighting that brings.  However, there’s also a thick layer of romance; the attraction between Lucy and Nicholas and between Solange and the Helios Ra (vampire hunters) agent Keiran, this book is just... amazing!  Absolutely addictive, fast-paced from the very beginning, and laugh-out-loud funny in places, I found myself unable to put the book down.  I just loved the way Alyxandra Harvey went between Solange and Lucy, and both of them had such a unique way of speaking you knew who’s chapter it was without looking at the header.  This way of writing is one of my favourites ever, and Alyxandra has mastered the art to perfection.
Lucy, I admit, was my favourite, being strong, stubborn and completely insane, she’s the type of heroine that you just have to see succeed in their quests.  Solange was absolutely brilliant too, a sweet, selfless girl terrified of the thought of becoming a vampire and having to drink blood for the rest of her life.  Did I mention she had a blood-phobia?  And then there’s Nicholas, the annoying brother-next-door who turns out to be the sweetest boy ever, along with being totally gorgeous and mysterious. 
And the Drake family’s just incredible; I loved them with their warrior mother, calm father and a billion sons.  Ok, seven sons, but there seems to be a lot of them.  And the information Alyxandra manages to slip in paints a detailed portrait of their world, without providing so much you feel like you’re drowning in it.
There’s action, romance, killing, humour, and paranormal drama in one book: perfect!  Perfect enough to read in one go, even if it means staying up half the night to do so!  The one and only problem: I needed to know more of certain events at the end of the book than I found out and it’ll leave you wishing the story was way, way longer!  I’ve got the next one though, so I don’t have long to wait to get my fill of the Drake family!

Star Rating:
5 Out of 5

Read This Book If You Liked:
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
House of Night by P. C. and Kristin Cast
Happy Reading
*This book was recieved from Bloomsbury in exchange for an honest review

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