Thursday, June 9, 2011

Fiction Express

I found this site on Cliona (Bookster Reviews)'s blog, and I'm so pleased I did!  Fiction Express is an interactive e-fiction website, aimed at young people who get to control the plot.  At the end of each chapter, the reader is 3-or-4 choices about what they want to happen next.  After the votes are in, the author writes the next chapter. 

There will be 11 chapters, and one is released each week.  Each is available to be read at 3.30pm (UK time) each Friday.  Voting closes the following Monday at 10am.  If you miss a chapter: no worries, you can catch up easily (as I'm going to do), but you won't be able to vote.
There are four novels on this site, by four amazing authors.  These are:

Diary of a Mall Girl by Louisa Plaja
The mall is the heart of fifteen-year-old Molly’s suburban town. Most teens hang around with friends there, get their first job there, experience their first kiss there. And Molly? She actually lives there, in the complex’s residential wing. She has hundreds of the best shops and amenities right on her doorstep. But is living in a massive shopping centre as much fun as it sounds? Well, yes... and no. Find out the whole truth in Molly’s private diary...
Now, I've read the first chapter of this and loved it!  It's fun, quirky and relatable.  Very much for fans of Louise Rennison.
Louisa Plaja: Split by a Kiss, Extreme Kissing and Swapped by a Kiss
Her Website: Louisa Plaja

Soul Shadows by Alex Woolf
Sent to a cottage in the middle of nowhere as part of her therapy, Estelle is immediately aware of a strange presence about the place. There is a dark shadow surrounding the nearby wood that seems suspicious. At first, the silence is oppressive, but then she begins to hear strange noises. Are they real or just part of her overactive imagination? In her fear and panic she calls her friend Sandor - someone she thinks she can trust. Is there something sinister lurking in the shadows? And will Sandor be able to offer her the protection she craves?
I've decided to read this one: it's a great psychological thriller!
Alex Woolf: The Chronosphere

The Last Symbol by Rebecca Morton
Miko Agnosta lives in a world where 13 year-olds' futures are determined by a government machine. When his best friend Lok is banished, Miko begins to question the system under which he lives. His eyes are abruptly opened when he next meets Lok and discovers a forbidden world that he never knew existed. With his mind full of questions, which path will Miko choose to take? Who can be trusted? Is anyone telling Miko the truth?
I'm also reading this one!  It's incredible!

The Soterion Mission by Stewart Ross
In a post-apocalyptic world where no-one lives beyond their teenage years, the Constant residents of Della Tallis are surprised and fearful when stranger Roxanne appears in their midst, pursued by the barbaric Zeds. She carries the Zed tattoo on her forehead, but claims to be a Constant. When she explains that she has come to save them, and tells them the story of the Soterion, the Constant council must decide whether to trust her or kill her as a spy. Will Roxanne survive long enough to find the legendary Soterion, or will it be left to Cyrus and the other Constants to continue the mission? And there is every chance that the Zeds will get there first…
I'd love to read this one too!  I'd love to read all of them! 
Stewart Ross: Timewarp Trials and What If The Bomb Goes Off?
His Website: Words With Stewart Ross

The first chapter is free, and after that each costs 1 credit.
1 credit = 79p
5 credits = 69p per credit
10+ credits = 59p per credit

But!  I have a code for 5 free credits!  All you have to do it sign up to the side, click on credits and enter this code:

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