Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fortnight of Guests: I Want To Read That (Cover Wars: US vs UK)

I Want To Read ThatHi!   I'm Sammee from I Want To Read That - a book blog for most things YA!  I have a major addiction / obsession with books and I have far too many!  But I kind of like that:)  I also spend my working life surrounded by books as I work as a Children's Bookseller for Waterstone's.
I'm really excited to be taking part in Megan's Fortnight of Guests and opted to do a post on one of my favourite things:  Book covers.  Hope you enjoy:)

I love book covers. I don't know why they have such an influence on me but they really do. A good cover can be the difference between me being interested in a title or dismissing it. There have been occasions when I have been really excited about a book release only to have that excitement die somewhat at the sight of the cover - and of course it works the other way too. I hear about a book and feel my anticipation for it build and then I see the cover and suddenly I MUST have that book!
One of the things that really interests me is the differences in covers in different countries or for different releases (such as Hardback and then Paperback). From this Cover Wars was born - a way to compare different covers for the same book.
When Megan asked if I do a guest post for her I jumped at the chance and I thought I could do something a little different - get you guys to vote. It's US vs UK, there are five rounds - who will win?

Round One: Fury by Elizabeth Miles
I really, really like the UK cover. If I saw it on a shelf it would catch my eye - but put it next to the US one and I automatically drift towards it. I think it is the gorgeous read hair! So my vote is US

Round One: Fury by Elizabeth Miles

Round Two: Forgotten by Cat Patrick
There is no contest here I'm afraid - my vote is UK all the way!

Round Two: Forgotten by Cat Patrick

Round Three: Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
Like Fury, I do like the UK one but I LOVE the US one. It just really appeals to me - there is something haunting about it. And I have to say in this instance it doesn't feel like they are the same book. So, my vote is US.

Round Three: Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini

Round Four: My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent
Okay so I love the US covers but I LOVE LOVE LOVE the UK ones - especially this one! So obviously my vote is UK

Round Four: My Soul To Take by Rachel Vincent

Round Five: The Splendour Falls by Rosemary Clemment-Moore
I really like the new cover they produced in the UK but as soon as I saw the US one there was no competition! I absolutely adore this cover and am trying to convince myself I really do need two copies so I can justify buying it! Gorgeous - so my vote is US

Round Five: The Splendour Falls by Rosemary Clemment-Moore
So who did you vote for? US or UK?

Well, we'll wait and see who has the most votes in the end.  US or UK...  Thanks Sammee: that was great fun!  And such gorgeous covers!

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