Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fortnight of Guests!

We have our lineup!  I'm proud to reveal to you all our amazing guests, who I know have worked hard on their posts.  Thank you to each and every one!

Monday 27th: Sammee @ I Want To Read That
Tuesday 28th: Heather @ Supernatural Book Club
Thursday 30th: Felicia @ A Novel Paradise
Rediscovering Reading Through YA
Tuesday 5th: Alison @ Alison Can Read
Historical Fiction
Wednesday 6th: Franny @ Mind Reader
Thursday 7th: Mette @ Mysterious Books
Saturday 9th: Aylee @ Recovering Potter Addict
Sunday 10th: Rachel @ Parajunkee's View
Paranormal Creature "Best Of"
Monday 11th: Diana @ The Lovely Getaway

If you want to let your friends/followers know, there's a picture in my sidebar you can use!  :)

I can't wait to see all of this, can you? 

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