Friday, June 10, 2011

Follow Friday (#14)

Follow Friday is a fun way for bloggers to find new blogger friends!  It's hosted by Rachel at Parajunkee's View, and it's such an awesome idea! 

And the feature this week is:
And the question is:
"The Magic Book Fairy Pops Out Of Your Cereal Box And Says 'You And Your Favorite Character (From A Book Of Course) Can Switch Places!' Who Are You Going To Switch With?"

OMG!  Has there been a harder question?  Ok, um... uh... umm...  Alright.  The choices are:
Some of these may be a little odd, but then I am odd.  And a nice variety: a dhampir, a Shadowhunter or two, a couple of witches, some humans and a faerie.  (:

Well, that's me.  If you've found me through FF, leave me a link!  If not, who would you be? 

Have a great weekend everyone! 

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