Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fortnight (Hopefully) of Guests!

Hi all!  Sorry this is late, but I've been a busy bee, and a-waitin' replies.  Anyway, here's the basic lineup for the Fortnight of Guests (and ones who may be taking part).

So, in no particular order....
Cover Wars
A Giveaway!
Heather (Hey Lady) @ Supernatural Bookclub
A Book Review (Book Undecided Yet)
Top Ten YA Books of 2011 or Book Review
Top Ten (I Think)
Rediscovering Reading Through YA
Young Bloggers

And we're still a-hopin for....
Unappreciated Book Series
Books To Look Forward To This Year

Well, that's who we have and who we hope for.  If anymore of you would like to take part, drop a link.

Fortnight of Guests is coming soon...

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