I had a very good week. I got three amazing review books, and three more amazing books from authors. Plus, I bought two books I've wanted for ages and went a little mad on NetGalley! Ah, good times... ;)
For Review:
A Novel That Grips The Heart And The Imagination
I am so, so, so excited about this one. It sounds absolutely amazing - it's set it Haiti, around the time of the earthquake, but it also lets us go back in time, to the slave Toussaint who rose against his captors to free his people. As I said: amazing. I cannot wait to read it. It comes out January - the publishing date coincides with the second anniversary of the Haitian earthquake.
In The Right Dose, Everything Is A Poison
I loved Poison Diaries (again, my review should be up soon) so I jumped at the chance to get my hands on Nightshade! There should be more to come about this book, maybe even a giveaway, so keep your eyes peeled! In the meantime, here's the Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr accounts for Poison Diaries! Enjoy! : D
Fighting For Truth
Escaping For Freedom
Rebelling For Love?
I adored Matched - my review ought to be up soon - so I can't wait to get stuck into Crossed. Plus, isn't the cover just the most beautiful thing ever?
For Review From Author:

I love the sound of this one! Murder, werewolves, mystery... it really does sound great! Thank you Jennifer!
I loved Hilley's The Darkness Series (see all my reviews: here), so I jumped at the chance to read his new, paranormal YA novel. Thanks Leonard!
The Prism of Ashlei (The Gailean Quartet, Book One) by Christine E. Schulze (Goodreads)
I love the look of this one! It sounds amazing - and the cover's so pretty! Thanks Christine! :D

I've been excited about this since... well, since I first saw the cover. I wanted it from that moment on. So, now I have it (happy dance) and I can't wait to read it! :D
She Knows What It's Like To Die...
I started to read a little bit of this, and wow! It's amazing! I can't wait to properly read it all! The myth of Persephone and Hades is one of my favorites: it's the Ancient Greeks' reasoning behind the changes of the seasons. Plus: Meg Cabot. All of her books are amazing, so I know this one will be too!
From NetGalley:

Parallel universes, hot guys, whole new dream lives... this book sounds ace! I can't wait to read it! Plus, how cute is the cover? :D
This looks amazing - it's about coping with the aftermath of a tradgedy, and it really does sound brilliant. I'm really looking forward to reading it!
The Picture of Dorian Gray Meets Pride and Prejudice, With A Dash of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
I am love, love, loving the sound of this one! I mean, c'mon! It just sounds amazing. Darcy meets Dr Jekyll? What's not to love! ;)
Bite Me, Try Me, Fang Me (Demon Underground, Books 1-3) by Parker Blue (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
Don't Call Her Buffy.
Unless You're Ready To Meet Her Inner Demon.
This is a tie in of the first three in the Demon Underground series. Unforgunately, I don't have a link to the bind-up on Goodreads and Amazon, so I settled for the first in the series, Bite Me. It's about a Vampire Hunter who is, by the way, Not Buffy (her own words, not mine). It looks just ace - I can't wait to read it! :D
Well, that's my mailbox. I may have gone OTT on NetGalley... 'though, I really only got 4 books. It just looks like I got 6. Does that make it any better? ;)
What did you get it your mailbox this week? :)
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