Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Waiting on Wednesday (#27)

Waiting on Wednesday is hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine, and it's a weekly meme all about the books that are coming out soon that we really can't wait to read.

Two more books this week that are published by Bloomsbury and come out next year.  Again: amazing-looking - in my opinion anyway! :D

Burn Marks
By: Laura Powell
Published: 7th June 2012
Published By: Bloomsbury
Found: Bloomsbury Children's Books New Titles Catalogue

Synopsis From Goodreads:
Cleo is from a family of witches. She is desperate to develop the ‘Fae’ and become a witch herself.
Lucas is the son of the Chief Prosecutor for the Inquisition and his privileged life is very different to the world of witches that he lives alongside.
And then on the same day, Cleo and Lucas both develop the Fae. In one fell stroke, Cleo and Lucas’s lives are inextricably bound together, whether they like it or not . . .
No cover image yet, I'm afraid, but this book just looks amazing!  I seriously cannot wait!!  :D

By: Laura Powell
Published: 7th June 2012
Published By: Bloomsbury
Found: Bloomsbury Children's Books New Titles Catalogue

Synopsis From Bloomsbury:
Briony knows she is a witch. She knows that she is guilty of hurting her beloved stepmother. She also knows that, now her stepmother is dead, she must look after her beautiful but complicated twin sister, Rose. Then the energetic, electric, golden-haired Eldric arrives in her home town of Swampsea, and everything that Briony thinks she knows about herself and her life is turned magically, dizzyingly, upside down.
Don't you love this paperback cover?!  I cannot get over how much I love it!  I've wanted this book since forever - so I can't wait for this to come out!  :D
Those are what I'm waiting for.   I'm super excited about them both!
What are you waiting for this week?

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