Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Every Other Day by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Publisher: Quercus
Format: ARC
Published: 2nd February 2012
Book: For Review*
Genre: Urban Fantasy, Paranormal, Dark Romance, Science-Fiction, Action-Adventure, YA
Recommended Age: 12+
Contains: Violence, Death, Mild Swearing
No Alcohol, Drug References
Author's Site: Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Every second day, Kali D’Angelo is a normal sixteen-year-old girl.  She goes to high school.  She argues with her father. 
She’s human.
But every other day… she’s not.
Though she’s not quite sure what she is on those days, Kali knows what she does – she hunts, traps, and kills demons, hellhounds, and other supernatural creature that threaten her world.  On those days, she is practically indestructible.
But when Kali notices a mark on a popular girl at school, she knows instantly that the girl is marked for death by one of these unworldly beings.  And she knows she has only twenty-four hours to save her.
There’s only one problem – it’s the wrong twenty-four hours.

Every second day, Kali D’Angelo is perfectly human.  And every other day.  Well, she isn’t.  She’s other. 
Kali has no idea what she is, if there are others like her.  But what she does know is what she can do.  She hunts down hellhounds, zombies and everything out there that goes bump in the night.  With her super-fast healing, lightning reflexes and affinity for weapons, she’s more-or-less indestructible.
But then she sees a mark on a girl’s back at school.  It’s a mark of death, and Kali only has 24 hours to save the girl, before the supernatural creature kills her.
The dilemma?  It’s the wrong 24 hours.  Kali is completely, utterly human.  That doesn’t mean she won’t do everything in her power to save the victim…
Those of you who have checked out my review list will probably be able to guess that I’m somewhat of a paranormal addict.  Therefore this one was right up my street!  With enough of that awesome wise-ass-ness – the likes of which Rose and Buffy have – and the awesome characters and world, I loved this one!  And seriously… need a sequel!
Kali D’Angelo, aged sixteen, was someone I liked from the word go.  She was so snarky and funny, with a really ironic, wry sense of humour.  Plus, some of her powers?  So cool, and unlike anything I’d read about before!  She had a total hero complex, was mildly bonkers and, well, freakin’ brilliant.  But beneath all the bravado and butt-kicking, she was really vulnerable, which made her feel more real to me.
Skylar Hayden, Kali’s new-found best friend, was perky, earnest, a fast talker and so hyper!  I fell in love with her madness: she was just so cute and funny!  Her enthusiasm and optimism were addictive, and I found myself grinning whenever she was in a scene.  She literally killed me, especially about how someone so sweet looking and cheerful can be such a brilliant evil mastermind!  She was my very favourite character, right from the beginning, and when I found out her secret I loved her even more. 
Bethany Davis, one of those girls, or so Kali thought.  To begin with Bethany was a classic mean girl, but she was really smart, ‘occasionally’ nice and always funny with her mean-snarkiness.  I just loved how she described herself: “shallow, not a sociopath”.  Beneath the “bitch shield” she was really sweet and brave, fragile and I loved the glimpses we got to see of the hidden Beth.
Most of the other, minor characters were brilliantly done – Kali’s dead being one of them.  I liked how as the book went on, my opinion of him changed.  Meanwhile Elliot Hayden, Skylark’s brother and Bethany’s boyfriend, although cute and kind, wasn’t really as 3-D as the others.  As for the mysterious Zev: I was desperate to know his secret all the way through.  (I didn’t guess it at all!)
And I just loved the twists Barnes put on all the supernatural lore!  It was all so cool and new.  She put her own spin on zombies, hellhounds, chupacabras, everything!  And as for how Barnes rewrote history… pure genius.  I am officially crazy-in-love with this world!  And I mean when-the-heck-can-I-move love.  Also lovin’ the new species Barnes created!  Human one day, kick-ass demon hunter then next?  Beyond awesome and wonderfully padded out! 
I adored the writing: it was snarky, witty and absolutely hilarious.  Plus, there were loads of paranormal things to fight and the heroine who was just kick butt awesome!  The writing felt totally teen and completely Kali.  I loved the pace and style, but even more addictive were the character relationships.  The ones between Skylark and her brothers were ever-amusing, with just the right balance of exasperation and love!  The one between Kali and her dad was intriguing: it was like they had their own language of evasion and white lies.  But my favourite duo by far was Skylark and Beth.  God, did those two kill me!  Their witty banter, Beth’s snarky comments and Skylark’s insistent perkiness made for some brilliantly hilarious scenes!
From the blurb, I thought the plot would be straight forward.  Y’know, see, kill, save.  How wrong I was!  There were more than enough turns to keep me completely absorbed in the story.  The pace was more or less non-stop: and you just gotta love supernatural fights!  Admittedly, I did guess some of the twists – they were rather obvious in my eyes.  Some I suspected – and hoped like crazy were not true.  Some completely threw me.  And overall?  Awesome plot!  And I liked that it was all about the girls, not a huge romantic thing – just the smallest bit of a highly unconventional romance…
A kick—butt hunter, a snarky cheerleader, a pixie-like optimist with a secret and a world full of demons and monsters, Every Other Day was an awesome paranormal book that had me laughing on the edge of my seat, and crying at one point.  Loved it!

Star Rating:
4½ Out of 5

Read this book if you liked:
Raised By Wolves by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead
The Drake Chronicles by Alyxandra Harvey
The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare

Challenges It's Taking Part In:
Happy Reading
* This book was received from Quercus in exchange for an honest review
Number of Pages: 352

Ladybird Classic Me Books App

Penguin is pleased to announce that its Number One hit, Ladybird Classic Me Books App, now has more books and an aweseom SAVE feature!  Described as: "an innovative picture book app that allows parents and children to interact with and personalize picture books in an entirely new way", it is available from the App Store on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch for just £0.69.

Sir David Johnson, Adam Buxton and Josie Lawrence read stories, such as Rumplestiltskun, Cinderella and Nursery Rhymes.  Sir David himself says:
"The first time I clapped eyes on Me Books I was blown away. I knew these beautiful little Ladybird books very well, as we all do, but this new technology really brings something special to the table. It's storytelling with super powers. I thoroughly enjoyed narrating these stories and was so impressed by Me Books I've just bought an iPad for my family."

The features that make up this app?  Well, I'm quoting from the Penguin Press Release to expain everything it can do:
·       READ. Me Books brings the picture book app experience back to reading and telling stories. We’ve added nothing to the books themselves, just a new way to bottle the creativity and imagination they inspire.
·       LISTEN. Classic stories are brought to life with charming narration from well known voices along with enchanting sound effects. Simply touch the words and pictures to hear them.
·       RECORD. We all know you tell the best stories and do the best voices so Me Books lets you do just that. Add your very own narration and sound effects by drawing audio ‘hotspots’ anywhere on the page.
·       PLAY. Playing with books is a brilliant way for children to develop their creativity, language and literacy. Me Books allows them to express themselves which isn’t just important, it's a downright hoot.
·       SAVE. You can now save up to three versions of each book making it possible to cherish your favourite stories time and time again.

With all of these new features, it's easy to see why the app is so popular!  And why children and parents love it.  I want to check it out myself!

Illegal by Miriam Halahmy Guest Post: Where Did My Plot Come From?

I'm so excited to have Miriam Halahmy here today, author of Hidden - both of her books look absolutely amazing, and I can't wait to read them!  Now, I'll hand you over to Miriam, who is here to talk about her upcoming book, Illegal, which will be released in March, so keep your eyes peeled!  And now, over to you Miriam...
Illegal by Miriam Halahmy :  Meadowside fiction March 2012
Illegal is the second novel in my cycle of three novels set on Hayling Island opposite the Isle of Wight. Each novel is stand-alone but a minor character in the previous novel becomes the major character in the next. Illegal is Lindy’s story.
Lindy appeared in Hidden, the first book, as the bully who scared everyone away. But it was clear she had another side. In my second book I wanted to explore the different sides of this complex character and I was also interested in the rise of cannabis farms on the south coast of England.
A question popped into my head. What if someone set up a cannabis farm on quiet little Hayling, in one of the old houses down a sleepy back lane? And what if Lindy was paid to look after the farm?
Once the idea had entered my imagination it grew and grew and I knew that I had the beginning of my next plot. I am very much a discovery writer and as I began to write I discovered that fifteen year old Lindy was in deep trouble. 
The book opens at the end of the summer term. Lindy and the rest of her large and dysfunctional family have been rocked by the sudden death of her two year old sister a few months earlier. Her two eldest brothers are in prison; her little brother nags for food; Mum has lost her job and is drinking; Dad spends all his time down the bookies. 
Then Cousin Colin appears and Lindy, so vulnerable and lonely by this time, jumps at the chance to work for him – watering the plants in his cannabis farm. Her family are quite used to a life of crime. “Everyone smokes it,” Lindy tells herself. All the kids at school are always boasting about the weed at parties. She even persuades herself she is helping the environment.
“Think of it like a sort of greenhouse, Linds,” Colin explains.
Lots of people have greenhouses, thought Lindy. Maybe Im even helping to save the planet. Colin doesnt use chemicals on the plants, does he?
But Colin hasn’t actually explained all his plans to Lindy. Before she has time to think she finds herself drawn into the dangerous and shadowy world of international drugs dealing. Colin has been grooming her to deal in cocaine and suddenly Lindy finds herself trapped. More than anything else she is terrified she will end up in prison like her brothers. With no-one on her side, no-one she can turn to, she starts to self harm.
In school they are studying Hamlet. The teacher compares Hamlet to a spiritual refugee, isolated from his family and friends.
 "A spiritual refugee..." Lindy liked that. "Just like me, I've got no-one left at home either.'"

But like all good plots, the hero needs someone who will go on the journey with her and help her to find the way out. Karl, also fifteen and a fellow misfit, appears. Karl has his own problematic home life and as a result he has become mute. He communicates largely through his T-shirt slogans – The rules don’t apply to me and Do not resuscitate.  But Karl is an intelligent and resourceful ally. He also has wheels!  Karl rides a motorbike although he is also only fifteen. There are a lot of Illegal things in this book. Together Lindy and Karl embark on a desperate plan to ensure Lindy’s freedom.

This has been probably the most complex plot in the cycle to write, rather like writing a thriller. My characters race round on motorbikes and motorboats, avoiding police, teachers and each other until the final thrilling climax.

Illegal is the story of a teenage girl driven to take desperate measures when all other choices are taken away from her. It is a novel about growing up and gaining independence against the odds.

Miriam Halahmy
January 2012

Thank you for the brilliant guest post, Miriam!  I can't wait to read Illegal, and I am so in love with the cover!
Check out Miriam's Website, Twitter and Facebook for more information on Illegal and Hidden!

Teaser Tuesday (#28)

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here are the rules:
  • Open your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include spoilers!
  • Share the title and author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
One wonderfully bonkers quote for you today, from an equally bonkers and brilliant book.  Enjoy!

The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists by Gideon Defoe,
Chapter One, Page 14
"We need to dust the hams with bread raspings if we're going to boil them.  And we should dress the knuckle bone with a frill of white paper."
"A frill of white paper?  What kind of pirate are you?  Rah!"

The Pirates! I n an Adventure with Scientists (The Pirates!, Book One) by Gideon Defoe
Synopsis From Goodreads:
Not since Moby-Dick...No, not since Treasure Island...Actually, not since Jonah and the Whale has there been a sea saga to rival The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists, featuring the greatest sea-faring hero of all time, the immortal Pirate Captain, who, although he lives for months at a time at sea, somehow manages to keep his beard silky and in good condition.
Worried that his pirates are growing bored with a life of winking at pretty native ladies and trying to stick enough jellyfish together to make a bouncy castle, the Pirate Captain decides it's high time to spearhead an adventure.
While searching for some major pirate booty, he mistakenly attacks the young Charles Darwin's Beagle and then leads his ragtag crew from the exotic Galapagos Islands to the fog-filled streets of Victorian London. There they encounter grisly murder, vanishing ladies, radioactive elephants, and the Holy Ghost himself. And that's not even the half of it.

Well this is my teaser!  Hope you liked it!

What's your teaser this week? :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Barclays Premier League : Manchester United vs Stoke City January 31 2012 Live Streaming

Manchester United vs Stoke City Live Streaming

Enjoy one of the most Exiting  English Premier League Football match Manchester United vs Stoke City Live Online streeming on Tuesday, January 31, 2012. Surly enough to day’s action will  make you Excited and you will be forced to keep your breath standstill. Expected this is going to be a Historical live futbol match which will make the lovers of it to keep in mind for a long time. Manchester United is hot favotite.The direct telecast will be commenced when the clock strikes at 20:20 GMT. Get the Online live  Streaming Internet TV links here to day. Make yourself lucky getting access in Live Online on some sports channel with High Definition TV...

Manchester United vs Stoke City

                           MATCH                             :Manchester United vs Stoke City
                           DATE                                : Tuesday, January 31, 2012
                           TIME                                 :20:00 GMT
                          VENUE                               Liberty Stadium
                          HOME                               :Manchester United
                          AWAY                               :Stoke City
                          STATUS                            : LIVE

Manchester United vs Stoke City live futball online streaming on Tuesday, January 31, 2012. Watch all the Football hivoltage match, match highlights and player interviews live on
any computer! Access all sports all the time! Watch futbol Online in Live Broadcast
from all over the world. No matter where you are you can always watch your favorite
teams play live online.

Winners of 57th Idea Filmfare Awards

 The 57th Idea Filmfare Awards was held in Mumbai on the night of January 29. Like most award shows, here too the best actors male and female awards was bagged by Ranbir Kapoor for his rave performance in ‘Rockstar’ and Vidya Balan for her excellent and bold performance in The Dirty Picture’Zoya Akhtar’s ‘Zindagi Ma Milegi Dobara’ scores high by winning four awards for different categories, followed by ‘Rockstar’ and ‘The Dirty Picture’.

Hosted by Shahrukh Khan and Ranbir Kapoor, the evening saw some stellar performances by Priyanka Chopra, Deepika Padukone, Genelia D’Souza and Riteish Deshmukh.

Here is the complete list of the winners of 57th Idea Filmfare Awards:

Best Film
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara

Best Director
Zoya Akhtar for ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’

Best Actor (Male)
Ranbir Kapoor for ‘Rockstar’

Best Actor (Female)
Vidya Balan for ‘The Dirty Picture’

Best Dialogue
Farhan Akthar for ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’

Best Screenplay
Akshat Verrma for ‘Delhi Belly’

Best Story
Sanjay Chauhan for ‘I Am Kalam’

Best Actor (Critics)
Ranbir Kapoor for ‘Rockstar’

Best Film (Critics)
Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara

Best Actor Female (Critics)
Priyanka Chopra for ‘7 Khoon Maaf’

Best Supporting Actor (Female)
Rani Mukerji for ‘No One Killed Jessica’

Best Supporting Actor (Male)
Farhan Akthar for ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’

Scene of the Year Award
The Dirty Picture

Best Debut (Female)
Parineeti Chopra for ‘Ladies vs Ricky Bahl’

Best Debut (Male)
Vidyut Jamwal for ‘Force’

Best Debut Director
Abhinay Deo for ‘Delhi Belly’

RD Burman Award for upcoming talent in field of music
Krsna for ‘Tanu Weds Manu’

Best playback singer (Female)
Usha Uthap and Rekha Bhardwaj for Darling (7 Khoon Maaf)

Best playback singer (Male)
Mohit Chauhan for “Jo bhi mein” (Rockstar)

Best Lyrics
Irshad Kamil for “Nadaan Parindey” (Rockstar)

Best Music Director
A R Rahman for ‘Rockstar’

Best Background Score
Ranjit Barot for ‘Shaitan’

Lifetime Achievement Award
Aruna Irani

Best Production Design
Shashank Tere for ‘Delhi Belly’

Best Editing
Huzefa Lokhandwala for ‘Delhi Belly’

Best Cinematography
Carlos Catalan for ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’

Best Action
Matthhias Barsch-Action Concepts for ‘Don 2’

Best Background Score
Ranjit Barot for ‘Shaitan’

Best Choreography
Bosco-Caesar for Senorita for ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’

Best Costume
Niharika Khan for ‘The Dirty Picture’

Best Sound Design
Nakul Kamte (Don 2)

Best VFX
Red Chillies VFX (Ra.One)

Special Jury Certificate mention
Partho Gupte for ‘Stanley Ka Dabba’

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Prabhu Deva, Nayantara split-up

Prabhu Deva and Nayantara who is dating for the last four months and were going steady finally called it a quit due to some differences. To settle with Nayantara, Prabhu Deva divorced his first wife Latha from which he
had two sons and even paid her a good sum of alimony. After so much of drama, Nayan and Prabhu’s relationship could not reach to the final destination and they split-up.

It was heard that Nayantara and Prabhu were not on talking terms ever since they had a fall-out. Slowly their relationship lost charm and they went separate ways. Nayantara who has not signed any films due to her impending marriage with Prabhu has decided to give nod to act in another Telugu film. She is returning to films.   

Similar kind of speculations surfaced few months back but then Nayan came forward and denied their break-up stories.  The duo even decided that post marriage they would settle down in Singapore. It was also rumored that they would get married in Mumbai and not in South to avoid media attention.

Genelia-Riteish's sangeet in KJo's style

The first celebrity wedding is drawing near and the pre-wedding celebration is on. Soon to be married couple, Ritiesh Deshmukh and Genelia D’Souza gave filmmaker and best friend Karan Johar
the responsibility to direct the sangeet in his style. Karan’s Midas touch transforms any love stories a fairy tale on celluloid.

Karan Johar would direct the sangeet ceremony in his style. The function will be held at a five star in Mumbai on February 1. Apart from directing the sangeet, Karan is also entrusted with the responsibility of designing Riteish’s outfit for the evening.
The surprise gift of the function would be a dance performance by Riteish’s brother. The groom’s brother is carefully practicing the dance moves to charm the couple. Rehearsals are continuously and religiously taking place at actor Jackky Bhagnani’s house.
A bevy of stars would be seen under the same roof. Good friends of Riteish, Zayed Khan and Fardeen will also be performing at the sangeet.

The first Bollywood wedding of the year would be a grand affair.

Kareena orders Rs 40 lakh necklace for her royal wedding

2012 will see the royal wedding of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor. The much awaited wedding will take place around March a week after the release of ‘Agent Vinod’.
The preparation for the royal wedding is on and as per report Kareena Kapoor has ordered a royal necklace of Rs 40 lakh running from neck to the waist.

Those exclusive stuffs are usually worn during royal weddings and Kareena wants the same for her. The necklace would be studded with precious gems and weighs about 400 gm. It will take two months time for the craftsmanship. The making of the necklace involves painstaking handwork.
Saif is also planning to give a big diamond ring to Kareena as the wedding gift.
Kareena and Saif are very excited about the wedding and they wanted the wedding to be like a royal style. The wedding date has not yet been declared. Saif and Kareena will make an official announcement of the wedding during the promotions of their film, ‘Agent Vinod’.

'Agneepath' marks grand opening, earns Rs 25 cr on Day 1

Audience has accepted Hrithik Roshan as Vijay Dinanath Chauhan. The film has received rave reviews from critics and overwhelming response from the audience worldwide. Making a huge profit of Rs
25 crore on the first day, the film beats blockbusters like ‘Bodyguard’ and ‘Ra.One’ which only able to garners a sum of Rs 22 and Rs 18 crore on the opening day.

Hrithik Roshan is thrilled with the first day box-office report of ‘Agneepath’. "WOW!!!! THANK u THANK u THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Agneepath 1st day - 25cr!!!! My damaged bodyparts suddenly feel ALIVE, I feel like I can FLY now!!! Thank u people, I have the fuel now to make KRRISH EXPLODE!!!!" Hrithik wrote on his Twitter page.

Sanjay Dutt and Priyanka Chopra are equally delighted with the positive response and thanked fans for the marvelous response to the film.

"Agneepath has redefined the power of Indian box office for all of us. It's heartening to see the strength of the Indian cinema audiences growing like this. We all were very confident of the film but for this kind of success and unprecedented number that it has posted on day one we must thank our audience," said Priyanka.

Sanjay Dutt who makes very rare appearance on twitter too thanked fans. "I am overwhelmed with the response and support of everyone. Thank you for loving me so much," he wrote.
Being a Republic Day holiday, the theatres witnessed 90-95 per cent occupancy.

"The film has had an excellent opening. The occupancy was around 95 per cent. It was the most eagerly awaited and would be one of the biggest blockbuster," said Anant Verma, director and business head, DT Cinemas.
You can't compare the two films as they are shot differently and have different characters also. There is no connection between the two other than just the name," he added.

Yogesh Raizada of Waves Cinema praises all the characters. "The response to the film has been rocking on first day. We have had 90 per cent occupancy. All the actors have done complete justice to their characters whether it is Rishi Kapoor as Rauf Lala, Hrithik as Vijay or Sanjay as Kancha Cheena," said Raizada.
Directed by debutant Karan Malhotra and produced by Karan Johar, the film is expected to do well in the coming week also.
"Since there is no big movie releasing in the coming weeks, the film will work well," he added.

The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists: Movie Trailer

Listen up, me hearties!  (First and last time I will EVER be saying that, promise!)  Aardman Animation, creators of Wallace and Gromit, will be releasing an adaptation of the hilarious novel by Gideon Defoe - The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists

Now, you landlubbers!  (Couldn't help it!)  I have been sent by the Pirate Captain of The Pirates! and Bloomsbury to ask...

If you are of a truly piratical nature, be sure to check out the brilliantly bonkers book, and go to see the trailer of the film on The Pirates- Movie

Now, that is all, this swashbuckling blogger out!

The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists by Gideon Defoe

Synopsis From Goodreads:
Not since Moby-Dick...No, not since Treasure Island...Actually, not since Jonah and the Whale has there been a sea saga to rival The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists, featuring the greatest sea-faring hero of all time, the immortal Pirate Captain, who, although he lives for months at a time at sea, somehow manages to keep his beard silky and in good condition.
Worried that his pirates are growing bored with a life of winking at pretty native ladies and trying to stick enough jellyfish together to make a bouncy castle, the Pirate Captain decides it's high time to spearhead an adventure.
While searching for some major pirate booty, he mistakenly attacks the young Charles Darwin's Beagle and then leads his ragtag crew from the exotic Galapagos Islands to the fog-filled streets of Victorian London. There they encounter grisly murder, vanishing ladies, radioactive elephants, and the Holy Ghost himself. And that's not even the half of it.

In My Mailbox (#43)

In My Mailbox was created by Kristi at The Story Siren.  It's a perfect way to see who's reading and review what.  Awesome! 

Well.  This week I only bought four books!  For me, that's pretty darn good! ;)  But, well, I um.  I sort of requested loads on NetGalley.  All completely by accident of course.  Anyhoo, this is what I got...

For Review:

Stolen Away

Street Fighter (Gladiator, Book Two) by Simon Scarrow (Goodreads | Amazon)
Enslaved By Empire, He Will Rise A Hero...
I haven't read the first in the series yet, but it looks amazing and from what I've heard it is amazing, so I can't wait to read the two of the books in this series!  :)
The Pirates! In An Adventure With Scientists (The Pirate!, Book One) by Gideon Defoe (Goodreads | Amazon)
Oh my god, I saw an advert for this, 'cause it's being made into a movie by the same people who do Wallace and Gromit, and thought it looked completely bonkers and absolutely hilarious.  The book?  Pretty much the exact same reaction from what I've read!  Can't wait to read it all!
Stolen Away by Alyxandra Harvey (Goodreads | Amazon)
I have read and loved every singe book Alyxandra Harvey has written, so I can't wait to read this!
Thank you Bloomsbury & Penguin!

The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, #1)InkheartInkspell
The Dark Divine (The Dark Divine, Book One) by Bree Despain (Goodreads | Amazon)
I've been wanting to read this one for ages now, so when I saw it for super-cheap I couldn't help myself!
Inkheart (Inkheart, Book One) by Cornelia Funke (Goodreads | Amazon)
Inkspell (Inkheart, Book Two) by Cornelia Funke (Goodreads | Amazon)
Inkdeath (Inkheart, Book Three) by Cornelia Funke (Goodreads | Amazon) 
I read the first in this series ages ago, and bought the set 'cause it cost less than one normal book to buy all three.  Bargain!  Plus I love the covers - especially of the 2nd and 3rd book!

From NetGalley:
Someone Else's LifeStartersHollyweird
I Am (Not) the WalrusRipper

Someone Else's Life by Katie Dale (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
Are Some Secrets Best Left Secret?
I've been wanting to read this since... forever!  It looks SO GOOD!  IS so good, from what I've read of it!  (40 pages in a matter of minutes!)
Starters by Lissa Price (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
Your Body.  Rented Out.  Used To Murder.
I started this the other day - AMAZING!
Hollyweird by Terri Clark (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
Angels, Demons, Celebs, Oh my!  Well, that's what I thought when I read the blurb, anyways.  Looks awesome and lovin' the cover!
I Am (Not) The Walrus by Ed Briant (Goodreads | Amazon | NetGalley)
This Looks awesome - and again: love the cover!
Ripper by Amy Carol Reeves (Goodreads | Amazon | Netgalley)
I think I really have caught Rippermania - this is the second Jack-the-Ripper book I've picked up in three weeks.  Should that concern me?

Well, that's me.  I may have gone slightly OTT on NetGalley...  Meh.  Oh well.

What was in your mailbox this week? :)