Monday, January 9, 2012

Within Blog Tour: Character Interview with Wiley Dalton

Within Blog Tour

I haven't had the chance to read Within yet, but I did start it and from what I read it was amazing!  And after this guest post, I want to read all of the book desperately!  Now I'll hand over to the aythor, Clare Marshall, who has prepared a Character Interview with Wiley Dalton, (a mayoral candidate for Halifax)....

Clare: Hello, Mr. Dalton. Thank you for joining me today. You’ve announced your intensions of running for mayor of Halifax, and although you’ve been here for a couple of years, you’ve managed to keep your personal life under wraps. Tell me a little bit about yourself.
Wiley Dalton: Well, there’s not much to tell. I was out west for a few years, but once I arrived here I discovered the beauty of the land, and it coaxed me to stay. That, and the people here are friendly, and trusting. But there’s quite a bit of work to be done to make Halifax into a paradise.
Clare: A paradise? Really. What do you mean by that?
Dalton (chuckles): Oh, I suppose that was an exaggeration. But there’s always an ideal that we strive for, is there not? I have singlehandedly cleaned up the Commons—you can go there at night now, if you wish, and not fear being stabbed or robbed. There are still those out there who make the city…forgive my wording, but impure.
Clare: Impure?
Dalton: Forget it. You will be editing this interview, won’t you? (Smiles)
Clare: Yes, but I’d really like to know what you mean by “impure.”
Dalton: It was just…a misuse of the word. My apologies. I’ve been doing this for years and the camera still makes me a little nervous. Maybe I could come back to that question?
Clare: Well…all right. Who is one person you could not do without?
Dalton: My campaign manager, Stephanie Hartell. She has proven invaluable to me. Without her, I probably wouldn’t have thought of running at all. I would do anything for her.
Clare: What do you say to the rumours that you and Stephanie Hartell are involved in a romantic relationship?
Dalton (laughs): Absolutely false. Stephanie and I are close, but she is a married woman. She even has a daughter who’s about to graduate high school. She’s a wonderful mother, and a devoted wife. Our relationship is strictly professional.
Clare: What are your--?
A girl with short blonde hair bursts into the room with a stack of paper in her hand. Some of it comes loose from her grasp and flies around her in a sudden gust of wind. “Stop the interview! Stop it!”
I rise from my seat, but I don’t turn off the camera or my voice recorder. “Who are you?”
“Ellie Emerson.” Her eyes slide to Wiley Dalton as she points an accusatory finger. “And that man sitting there is a murderer.”

Within by Clare C. Marshall
Synopsis From Goodreads:
Trinity Hartell’s life changed after the accident. Left with irreversible brain damage, she becomes a burden to her mother, a cause for heartbreak for her boyfriend Zack, and a flattened obstacle for her jealous best friend, Ellie.
But then she starts writing. Perhaps it’s a coincidence that the psychotic, murderous protagonist of her novel bears a striking similarity to the charming Wiley Dalton, a mayoral candidate in the upcoming election.
Or, perhaps not…
Read WITHIN, by Clare C. Marshall.

Thanks for the awesome guest post, Clare!  I've definately never read a character interview like that - I want to know what happens next now!  If you want to know more about Within, check out Clare's website: Faery Ink Press.  If you want to know more about the blog tour, go: here.  Next up on the blog tour is Fantasy Ink!

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