Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Teaser Tuesday (#26)

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should Be Reading.

Here are the rules:
  • Open your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
  • Be careful not to include spoilers!
  • Share the title and author too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR list if they like your teaser!
First teaser of 2012!  Whoo hoo!  Seems only suiting that I pick a teaser out of n upcoming both.  Therfore....

Wereworld: Shadow of the Hawk (Wereworld, #3)
From Shadow of the Hawk by Curtis Jobling Chapter Five, Page 102
"I think you know what I ask of you."
"Consider it done."

Shadow of the Hawk (Wereworld, Book Three) by Curtis Jobling

Synopsis From Goodreads:
Enslaved by the Goatlord Kesslar, young werewolf Drew finds himself on the volcanic isle of Scoria, forced to fight in the arena for the Lizardlords. With the help of an unlikely ally, he must find a way to break free - but who has ever managed to escape?
Meanwhile, Hector the Wereboar flees the forces of the Catlords. Now on board the pirate ship Maelstrom, the enemy's net is closing in. Haunted by the spirits of the dead, Hector is soon left wondering who the true enemy is . . .
I'm loving this so far, even though I haven't read the previous books.  Once I'm finished with Book Three, I might have to get my hands on book one!  :D

Well, there was my teaser.

What's your teaser today?

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