Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Ladybird Classic Me Books App

Penguin is pleased to announce that its Number One hit, Ladybird Classic Me Books App, now has more books and an aweseom SAVE feature!  Described as: "an innovative picture book app that allows parents and children to interact with and personalize picture books in an entirely new way", it is available from the App Store on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch for just £0.69.

Sir David Johnson, Adam Buxton and Josie Lawrence read stories, such as Rumplestiltskun, Cinderella and Nursery Rhymes.  Sir David himself says:
"The first time I clapped eyes on Me Books I was blown away. I knew these beautiful little Ladybird books very well, as we all do, but this new technology really brings something special to the table. It's storytelling with super powers. I thoroughly enjoyed narrating these stories and was so impressed by Me Books I've just bought an iPad for my family."

The features that make up this app?  Well, I'm quoting from the Penguin Press Release to expain everything it can do:
·       READ. Me Books brings the picture book app experience back to reading and telling stories. We’ve added nothing to the books themselves, just a new way to bottle the creativity and imagination they inspire.
·       LISTEN. Classic stories are brought to life with charming narration from well known voices along with enchanting sound effects. Simply touch the words and pictures to hear them.
·       RECORD. We all know you tell the best stories and do the best voices so Me Books lets you do just that. Add your very own narration and sound effects by drawing audio ‘hotspots’ anywhere on the page.
·       PLAY. Playing with books is a brilliant way for children to develop their creativity, language and literacy. Me Books allows them to express themselves which isn’t just important, it's a downright hoot.
·       SAVE. You can now save up to three versions of each book making it possible to cherish your favourite stories time and time again.

With all of these new features, it's easy to see why the app is so popular!  And why children and parents love it.  I want to check it out myself!

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