Thursday, May 1, 2008

Happy May Day & Ascension Thursday!

Here's a little cyber bouquet for you for May Day! My birthday flowers from Joe and the kids are still looking beautiful!We've had a busy day. We baked cookies for the May baskets the girls assembled at their last Little Flowers meeting and delivered them today to clients who are homebound. So, what did I forget at home? Of course--my camera. I've been taking pictures of our service projects all year long...but I missed our last one of the year. Regardless, we met some wonderful people who LOVE kids and welcomed us to visit in their homes. We even met one Irish woman from Minnesota! We could have stayed for a long time visiting with these elderly people, but I had to get the girls back for their last Little Flowers meeting of the year. They were excited because the meeting ended with a tea party. They felt so grown up!

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