Friday, May 9, 2008

Fine Arts Friday...not so much!

We like studying the fine arts. We really DO! Yes, the kids love classical music. Oftentimes we turn on NPR for some background music while the kids are reading. We also listen to some of this, and they enjoy Beethoven's Wig and the Classical Kids series. For part of our history, we're also using Meet the Great Composers.
This week we're studying this piece of artwork called Prayer by Albrecht Durer.

But today, the only fine arts our kids created were these little marshmallow snowmen "sculptures" during their snack time. Look, one's even doing gymnastics warm ups.

Then (for music?) they resorted to doing this.
Now, I try not to pressure them and compare them to all the fine artisans of long ago. I just want to know WHY this armpit thing is so compelling for ALL children to attempt and enjoy.

Okay, I never could do it with my arm. I WAS, however, a master performer using the back of my knee! Regardless, I think I need to rename this post to "Can You Tell It's Friday" or "Spring Fever Friday"!

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