Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mobile Loaves and Fishes...and 102 degrees

We hit the century mark yesterday!

Up until now, I've been able to dodge the oncoming heat. We've been blessed with a nice variety of cool and warm temps throughout the spring. Yesterday's outdoor adventure, however, was unavoidable.

I took the kids to a local church to stock its Mobile Loaves and Fishes truck. (This is one of the girls' Little Flowers service projects that we have the opportunity to do every month.) Before the girls started making sandwiches, we sat outside making tissue paper flower decorations for their upcoming awards ceremony. Then, while still outside, we practiced the old 70's songs they'll be singing at the event. Did I mention that it was 102 degrees outside?

The girls made 100-102 sandwiches (we'll say 102 to match the heat).

Loading the truck.
Here are some of the girls who helped.
You know you're a true Texan if it's over 100 degrees and you still wear pants. I guess we're not true Texans...yet!

The official temperature for the general area yesterday was 101 degrees, but since I saw a thermometer near the church that said 102, I'm stickin' to it!

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